Page 84 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 9
P. 84


          Where the future lies              them instead of suppressing their voices. By this, the young Afrikans get to be
          If the  percentage  of young people   involved in the progress and development of their nations. And if you ask me,
          under 35 years old in Afrika is about   Afrika has got lots and lots of talented young people who are passionate and
          sixty to seventy percent, then it means   loyal to the narrative of a better Afrika.
          that the future of the continent is in
          the hands of the young generation.   Thirdly, I cannot overemphasize the importance of honesty as a major frame-
          Which means that  if Afrika must   work for the development of Afrika. It is sad however that most Afrikan youths,
          awaken from its inertia and go into   having looked at the political landscape for so long, and with no true leadership
          progress mode, then each and every   coming from the so-called leaders, except maybe to flaunt stolen  money around,
          one of this 60 to 70 percent of young   now believe that the quickest way to make money in Afrika is to be a politician.
          people in Afrika must understand the   And because such goals to become politicians is based on money agenda, the
          three pillars that makes for develop-  cycle of corruption and failed leadership never ends. The baton is just passed
          ment. Each must understand that the   from one generation of corrupt people to another.
          leadership of Afrikan nations are the
          way they are because they, the young   So what are we really dealing with here? Simply put, you can "change" landscapes
          people  of  voting  age,  have  allowed   with massive engineering and technology and call it development but what we
          themselves be used to vote in those   really need are renewed mind-scapes filled with hope and love for life and the
          who gave them stipends during cam-  sustaining of the same.
          paigns, rather than those who merit
          positions of power and leadership.   The human heart naturally bends towards life and that which sustains life. Mean-
          In Nigeria for instance,  how  can a   ing that while Afrika fights to create development, she must not lose touch with
          man who is a Professor of Law be   her original purpose, which is, to give life and also to nurture it. For if we go the
          the  deputy  of the  President  who   way of development without paying attention to life and the sustainability of life,
          does not even have a primary school   we just might be caught in the fire of another future pandemic but with worse
          certificate? And when he, the Presi-  outcomes.
          dent, is asked simple questions about
          the economy, he has nothing useful   We can build Afrika by choosing those who represent us through merit, by be-
          to say. You get my point?          ing pragmatic with our policy making and then by demolishing the tower called
          Any way out?
          I believe there is a way out. For  if
          Singapore could come  out  of the
          insult called the third world country
          narrative,  then  any nation on earth

          Firstly, and  just  like Dr  Kishore
          Mahbubani  suggested,  let  citizens
          of Afrikan nations stop voting for
          fools and start voting leaders based
          on merit. Each Afrikan nation right
          now,  has  countless  men and wom-
          en both young and old who are very
          qualified to lead their nations based
          on merit. We can change the trend by
          our votes.

          Secondly, the leadership in all Afri-
          kan countries must understand that
          they owe it to their young Afrikans
          that it does not matter  what back-
          ground they have, if their ideas work,
          then the state should be open to use

          84      |   Heal . restore . rebirth .  Afrika
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