Page 82 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 9
P. 82


          est territories, and ultimately to our   do not wish for themselves. Second   that what men have attributed to de-
          planet’s climate.                  hand clothes, second hand cars, sec-  velopment  as regards  GMO  seeds,
                                             ond hand technology and even sec-  GMO foods, high frequency mobile
          I never had the chance to go to uni-  ond hand Covid-19, to say the least.  technology like 5G networks, nuclear
          versity, and become  a doctor, or  a   In trying to figure out why Afrikans   energy, lots of electricity in the cities
          lawyer,  a politician, or a scientist.   are still  alive, some say  it's  because   that practically shut out stars in the
          My elders are my teachers. The for-  Afrika is poor. Some say it's because   night, lack of community  relation-
          est is my teacher. And I have learned   accurate  testing and data are  not   ship due to mind-your-business mid-
          enough  (and  I  speak  shoulder  to   available in Afrika. Some  even said   dle  class-ism,  heavy  duty  factories
          shoulder with my Indigenous broth-  it's  because  Afrika's population is   that churn out heavy metals which in
          ers  and  sisters  across  the  world)  to   mostly young people below age 25.   turn causes air, water and land pol-
          know that you have lost your  way,   It's simply mind boggling to whoever   lution; is nothing but death creation.
          and that you are in trouble (though   these people are that think they own   And I do not mean this in any bad
          you don’t fully understand it yet) and   how the Afrikan reality should turn   way, if the so called first world Amer-
          that your trouble is a threat to every   out  in this  pandemic  that  Afrikans   ica, with all its technology and health
          form of life  on Earth." I won’t  be   are still very much alive and bounc-  care systems could not save its peo-
          able to teach you in this letter, either.   ing  in good health.  In fact,  at  the   ple from Covid-19 which has symp-
          But what I can say is that it has to   beginning of the pandemic, the con-  toms that are not far from the com-
          do with thousands and thousands of   cern of these scientists, or whoever   mon flu, then what right does anyone
          years of love for this forest, for this   they are, was that the combination of   have to say that Afrika is not devel-
          place. Love in the deepest sense, as   the  overstretched  and underfunded   oped? None. But has Afrika used her
          reverence. This forest has taught us   health systems and the so-called ex-  resources  in a way  that  establishes
          how to walk lightly, and because we   isting load of infectious and non-in-  true development and better life for
          have listened, learned and defended   fectious  diseases  in Afrika  would   her people over the past sixty years
          her, she has given us everything: wa-  lead to deaths at an apocalyptic lev-  after independence?  The answer is
          ter, clean air, nourishment, shelter,   el. Obviously, it did not turn out the   no. Now the question is, why?
          medicines, happiness, meaning. And   way they thought, for on September
          you are taking all this away, not just   29th when the world passed the one   The Singapore story
          from us, but from everyone on the   million reported death marks, on the   I was watching an interview posted
          planet, and from future generations."  same day, the number of deaths in   on Facebook about Dr Kishore Mah-
                                             Afrika was cumulative  total  of less   bubani, who is a Chunqiu Senior Fel-
          The  writer,  Nemonte  Nenquimo  is   than 40,000. This must have been a   low, China Institute. He was talking
          co-founder  of  the  Indigenous-led   huge slap in the face of those sons   about life and the changes that have
          nonprofit  organization  Ceibo  Al-  of wickedness  who think Afrikans   happened in Singapore for the past
          liance, the first female president of   will die like flies on the street.  seventy  years. He mentioned  about
          the  Waorani  organization  of Pasta-                                 growing up in Singapore  when the
          za province and one of Time’s 100   In  all of the reasons they  gave for   nation was still a growing developing
          most influential people in the world.  why they think Afrikans did not die   third world country, with the per cap-
                                             like  they  expected,  they  forgot to   ita income at 500 dollars, which was
          When Afrikans refuse to die        mention  the  fact  that  the  so  called   the same in Ghana as at that time. He
          A lot of questions are out there as   Covid-19  virus thrives in  bodies   mentioned he came from a poor en-
          to why the Covid-19 pandemic didn't   whose  immune  systems  have  been   vironment so poor to the extent that
          seem  to do much harm in Afrika    compromised. And like  Dr Peter    when he was sent to school at the age
          as against  the  postulation that the   Mokaya pointed out in the interview   of six, they were admitted by weight.
          streets of Afrika will be littered with   published in this issue, the common   And because his weight was so small,
          dead  bodies.  With  such questions   factor in the death rate in Brazil, the   he was declared under-nourished and
          also came many answers. Some of    USA and South Afrika is their use of   placed in a special feeding program
          such answers are just very dumb and   poisonous pesticides and the eating   for under-nourished children. In the
          it  simply  shows  the  very  thing that     of GMO foods which had over time   course of the video, he mentioned
          the world has always thought about   have done lots of damage to the im-  something so amazing. He said "It's
          Afrika. It  seems  that  to  the  world,   mune systems of the people living in   quite remarkable that in my lifetime
          Afrika is supposed to be the dump-  these countries.                  Singapore  has gone from being a
          ing ground for everything that they   So if you ask me again, I will still say   third world country to a first world

          82      |   Heal . restore . rebirth .  Afrika
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