Page 85 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 9
P. 85



           Are there any of us looking for a place of calm during
           these turbulent times?

           By David M. Jones

                    s a long time seaman     the nautical lenses of someone who    In nautical terms, safe and accurate
                    (surfer, sailor, deep    has spent time on and in the ocean.   navigation is key to survival and
                    sea fisherman, com-      This perspective has assisted me   allows one, or a crew, to safely over-
          Amercial fisherman,                personally, as well as many of those   come and survive the turbulent and
          sports fisherman and U.S. Coast    I have counseled over the years, to   dangerous conditions of the ocean
          Guardsman), I tend to look at the   successfully navigate through the   in order to reach a chosen destina-
          joys and challenges of life through   challenges of life.             tion. Then there are times that it

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