Page 79 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 9
P. 79


          Westerners?"                       excuse we may have or limitation
          I was, however, more amused at the   we think we have, is what is mak-
          twitter responses she got for the ar-  ing others tell our stories, but from
          ticle. Let me put a few of the twitter   a twisted perspective. We have to
          comments below:                    change this and the time is now.

          First response:                    I have gone to a few Afrikan coun-
          The writer dares not say the reasons   tries within the past three years. One
          as: (1) Perpetuating the White savior   thing that keeps being highlighted
          complex; (2) Reinforcement of rac-  for me it how there is no differ-
          ist stereotypes by having people not   ence in the Afrikan that is from the
          tell their own story.              North, West, South or East. And
          [Author replies: I decided it was   another thing is this, it seems this
          more effective to let readers draw   attitude of "our hands are tied" or
          their own conclusions on this. I   "what can we really do to change   I am not one of those who sit on
          don’t know if that makes me a      things" or "we have tried all we can"   their  behinds, complaining about
          coward, or a diplomat. You, sir, are   is the one factor that is keeping Af-  how things are not changing in Af-
          neither. Thanks for commenting.]   rikans in a state of helplessness.   rika, but then won't take part in the
                                                                                various ideas put in place for change
          Second response:                   But are Afrikans really helpless?   to happen.
          Because their photographer will
          capture Africa in the worse light   Not true and never will be true.   At the same time that this magazine
          possible and keep perpetuating the   We are not helpless. We just mostly   went live in 2018, we also launched
          image of Africa they want the world   don't have die-hard and passionate   a stock photography website where
          to see and believe as per their real   people who don't care about self   we share free high resolution photos
          mission.                           gains and who will go the lengths   from Afrika and by Afrikans. We
          [Author replies: This is an import-  required to do what must be done   started this website with a simple
          ant dynamic, and I missed it in the   and then do it for the right reason,   intention in our mind and which is
          story. Several readers made similar   which is a pan-Afrikan approach to   capture below:
          comments, such as the next couple.   the liberation of Afrika.
          Thank you, all.]                                                      Vision: To capture and share with
                                             I do not really care about what out-  the world the unseen and the
          Third response:                    siders, foreign aid workers or anyone   unknown beauty and purpose of
          A local photographer will do his   who has never felt the Afrikan pain,   Africa.
          best to make his community show    say about Afrika. I care more about   Mission: Re-framing Africa one
          the best it has to offer while a for-  what Afrikans say about themselves.   photo at a time.
          eign one will do exactly what they   And quite frankly, I am  not seeing
          want.                              enough Afrikans saying the right   We have been passionately doing
                                             things. And that I believe is so be-  this project with all we have, but
          Why do we need aid workers to      cause, most of them have lost sight   clearly we need more passionate
          tell our Afrikan story anyway?     of the positive Afrikan reality and   Afrikan photographers to come
                                             have embraced the faulty and weak   on board and join us in building a
          I do not know if you are seeing    ideology about Afrika which has    better image about Afrika.
          what I am seeing from the excerpt   always been the plan of the foreign
          of the article and the comments    media tools. But is there a solution?  So are you a passionate Afrikan
          from those who read it, but it is                                     photographer or do you know
          clear in my mind that, our inability   Introducing        anyone who is and who wants to
          to tell our own story, for whatever                                   join this movement of true Afrikan
                                                                                image makers, you can reach out to
                                                                                us at
                                                                                To see and also download free Af-
                                                                                rikan photos by Afrikans from the
                                                                                website, you can use the link below:

          WWW.MSINGIAFRIKAMAGAZINE.COM                                            ISSUE 9 | NOV/DEC 2020   79
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