Page 76 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 9
P. 76


          whence the sound is released. But   (My kingdom is not here)          earth.
          not too long ago, the Lord showed   Ngilondoloze(Guard me)            The word says "A spiritual awaken-
          me that there is a more accurate and   Zuhambe nami(Walk with me)     ing will break out in South Afrika
          more ancient image that Afrika is                                     and the prodigals of the Lord, the
          meant to reveal. He revealed to me   Ngilondoloze(Guard me)           rejected ones that have been thrown
          that Afrika is a shofar in the hand of   Ngilondoloze(Guard me)       out of the church, the male and
          God and that the sound which the   Ngilondoloze(Guard me)             female servants of the Lord who
          shofar will release is the sound of   Zungangishiyi lana(Do not leave me   many do not attribute sonship to,
          the Lion of the Tribe of Judah (Not   here)                           will suddenly hear the sound of
          necessarily talking about the Judah   Ngilondoloze(Guard me)          God, their Father, calling  to them in
          of old Israel, but Judah as the gener-  Ngilondoloze(Guard me)        the garden of their hearts. They will
          ation of those who seek God).      Ngilondoloze(Guard me)             hear him, they will rise from their
                                             Zungangishiyi lana(Do not leave me   hidden places and they will respond
          South Afrika is the mouth of that   here)...                          in haste to say "here we are, use
          shofar, the west and east of Afrika                                   us", "here I am use me." They will
          are both the holding places of the   This song has gone global and    not be known by their religious or
          sound and the northern part of     has even had millions of views on   denominational affiliation for they
          Afrika is the place from which the   YouTube.                         will not have any of such. But they
          roaring sound of that shofar will   Master KG, the writer and owner   will be known by their heart, life
          release the sound of the Lion of   of the song, may or may not know   and the words of their testimony in
          Judah, for the healing, restoration   the prophetic reality of that song,   God. For when God said I will pour
          and re-birthing of the earth.      but the words of that song are the   my Spirit upon My male servants
                                             true sound of South Afrika and not   and maidservants, these are those in
          A prophetic indication             the many negative things coming    whom he has found such heart of
          Master KG, a South Afrikan mu-     out of that nation. South Afrika is   servant hood. (Joel 2:29)
          sician did a song called Jerusalema   not about the useless and demon-  They will not be ashamed of how
          the lyrics of which are absolutely   ic narrative of rape, drug abuse,   they look to others, for their grace
          amazing and prophetic. Here is a   killings, maiming, violence, domestic   is in their servant hood and the suf-
          small portion of the lyrics of the   abuse that has been the story for   fering that comes with it. They are
          song  below.                       quite a while. South Afrika is about   those who will see clearly and also
                                             the sound of the voice of God, the   prepare readily for the coming King.
          Jerusalema ikhaya lami             Father, responding to the heart cry   For the day of the Lord is near."
          (Jerusalem is my home)             of His children. It is the voice of
          Ngilondoloze(Guard me)             the New Jerusalem who is Sarah the   I am clearly aware there are those
          Uhambe nami(Walk with me)          mother of us all who comes from    who think the Afrikan narrative
          Zungangishiyi lana                 above. South Afrika is the sound of   must not in any way be connected to
          (Do not leave me here)             rebirth of the true image and like-  God, Who, they claim, is the white
          Jerusalema ikhaya lami(Jerusalem is   ness of God, found in man, which   man's creation and a tool to fool the
          my home)                           was lost in the garden and for which   black man. And there are those who
          Ngilondoloze(Guard me)             the voice of God called out in the   also think that Afrika's spirituality
          Uhambe nami(Walk with me)          cool of the day. South Afrika is the   is about connection to nature or
          Zungangishiyi lana                 voice that speaks of freedom and   what they also called Animism and
          (Do not leave me here)             liberty for the Afrikan people, and   not a connection to a Divine Being.
                                             her true voice must be restored.   In any case and on what ever part
          Ndawo yami ayikho lana                                                of the divide you may be, God or
          (My place is not here)             The coming prodigals               the Divine Being Who put all these
          Mbuso wami awukho lana             As I wrote and continued meditating   together does not need any form of
          (My kingdom is not here)           on the words of this article, these   defense as to His own existence.
          Ngilondoloze(Guard me)             words from the Lord came to me
          Zuhambe nami(Walk with me)         concerning those that God wants to   It is clearly the time for Afrika, and
          Ndawo yami ayikho lana(My place is   raise in South Afrika who will be the   we as Afrikans must use the time
          not here)                          models of the new age of kingdom   wisely and progressively.
          Mbuso wami awukho lana             power that God is releasing on the

          76      |   Heal . restore . rebirth .  Afrika
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