Page 69 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 9
P. 69
I bet those involved never thought don’t have that elusive money, then quiet corner of the world and settle
of themselves as thieves, oppressors you’re not working hard enough, down, with a view to becoming
or murderers, yet there they are. doing the right things, talking to self-sufficient.
Killing and tormenting others for the right people, attending the right
money. networking sessions etc. You will Your primary needs are literally
spend ages looking for that one lu- God, air, water, food, shelter and
Some of the monetize hustlers crative contract that will take you to clothing (not in equal measure).
think that this is the road to great your intended goal or lucrative job
riches and wealth, but those with opportunity. That one contract or Sort those out as a priority. Espe-
the bulk of the cash didn’t get job where they will ask you to com- cially your relationship with God.
the money in their possession by promise just a little bit of what you Then make sure you and your
monetizing their talent. More often believe to retain the money they say family can eat, have clothes to wear
than not it was given to them as a they will put in your hands. and a safe place to stay. Find ways
favor or in exchange for a favor, to produce healthy food from the
or it was inherited… and let’s not Then you will give some of that to land, find people you can engage in
forget the ones who went to some your landlord, some of that to your exchanges with in order to get what
mysterious altars somewhere and bank, a large percentage to your you need that you are not currently
sacrificed something or someone to taxman, and the rest to the power, able to produce or resources you
get money. Somehow, most peo- water and internet companies. You need that you don’t currently have.
ple believe that the system works may fuel or service your car, buy
in the way that it is structured, some food and hold your breath Learn how to preserve food for the
despite knowing that people who until the next allotment comes in. dry or hard seasons. Anything left
have MBAs sometimes can’t even So you will push yourself that little over after that is a surplus which
get jobs. Despite knowing that not bit harder, hustle some more, op- you can start to feed into your
everyone who goes for that market- timize your strategies and squeeze community, wider society, country,
ing master class will get great results, just a little more cash out of the continent and the world.
but the guy who monetized his skill system and – for a little while – your
and convinced you to take his class head will be above water. Then the As you can see, the question we
is smiling, and hunting for his next government will increase the cost of are really dealing with here is, “Is
cohort because otherwise he will fuel and everything around you will the system we are working so hard
run out of money and end up on suddenly cost more… and you’re to sustain one that makes sense or
the hunt like others are. With no back in the rat race. not?” The monetize conversation
new takers of the master class, the is merely another tactic to try to get
trainer also has to think of new ways I can’t tell you how many people I as many people as possible busy
in which to lure people to make know or know of who have run this pursuing the scraps at the bottom of
more money off them. race, followed the rules and at the the Ponzi scheme pyramid. To try
They call this pivoting and adapting. end of the day are just managing to make it look like they are doing
to stay afloat; one crisis away from something meaningful so that they
Have you ever stopped to consider bankruptcy. But many will contin- don’t get their heads clear of the
that governments only print a finite ue to eat their high-risk fruit and money trap long enough to realize
amount of money anyway and that vegetables and toe the line, building that they are going round in circles.
most of it is in the hands of very few a system that is extracting everything
people? So all you can ever hope to from them and that will discard I put it to you that it does not make
earn or gain is the remainder of that them – as it has so many others – one iota of sense to have billions of
cash, a large portion of which you when they are unable to give it what people chasing after money instead
will give back to the government it wants. It is a Ponzi scheme. of purpose, even though the actu-
one way or another. This leaves alization of purpose can also bring
you constantly hustling for a tiny “What are the options?” You money as reward of some sort. I
percentage of the money in any will ask (and probably feel a little further suggest that it is insanity to
system so that you can give it away irritated) after all, this is the way program the lives of billions of peo-
at the end of the day and go back to things are done! Well, I’m glad you ple to pursue survival and the acqui-
hustle for some more. Around and asked. Focus. Pay off your debts as sition of things and status, instead of
around you go, believing that if you quickly as you can. Find yourself a their eternal destinies in God.