Page 28 - Memoirs by Kiki - Meditations and Psalms
P. 28
Dedication of lovers.
Because of who You are Lord
My life flows out everyday
Revealing the bits of me
That needs a cleansing from You
I rejoice in Your grace that is sufficient for situations
But I find satisfaction dwelling in Your glory
That brings me to perfection.
Because of who You are Lord
My head wears a covering of salvation
My heart seeks what, when and how of Your ways
Liberty frees me into a life of peace
Truth contains my feet into patterns that are fitted by Your word.
Because of who You are Lord
My life unfolds daily Your mysteries settled from time
More amazing to me than those that are watching
Confirming it is no more I that lives but You
That Your kingdom may come.
page 28 Memoirs by Kiki