Page 152 - A People Called Afrika
P. 152
ity of the soils on which agricultural production and humans,
plants and animals have depended on. As Afrikans, we are
now called upon to revive the soils by once again practicing
healthy farming that does not undermine the soil properties,
the environment and to use healthy practices that do not use
dangerous chemicals as pesticides and that respect the princi-
ple of crop rotation and soil regeneration as outlined by Mun-
yororo. By that we will restore the basis of human survival
through a new system of production of nurturing, and caring if
we are to survive the consequences of the present exploitative
system. “This system extracts from the earth all the gifts of na-
ture, without paying the replacement costs of its exploits. After
all, it is the culture of irresponsibility being perpetuated by the
Capitalist system which the world cannot maintain that has led
us to this current crisis,” says Elly Wanda in the same article.
Afrika must face the facts, our bodies carry the proof of the
abuse that we have meted out on them by systematically poi-
soning them using toxic food, water and air. The increase in
diseases such as Cancer and auto-immune diseases is ample
proof that the healthy balance we had maintained for mil-
lennia is no more. We must stop and think about the conse-
quences of our choices. Of all the choices that we make, our
food, water and air that we ingest directly into our bodies are
the most likely to kill or harm us if we do not urgently repair
this problem. We must once again begin to plant healthy, nu-
trient-dense crops and to protect the environment from chem-
ical spraying, this will - in turn - also take care of water sources
for humans, plants and animals. We as Afrikans must not be
fooled again into thinking that if we destroy our environment,
like we are already doing, that we will be free from the conse-
quences of such acts. We have the solutions we need in Af-