Page 165 - A People Called Afrika
P. 165
Afrika’s Indigenous Knowledge Systems
movie Lucy was trying to portray, regarding how the complete
use of the mental capacity of man in a fallen state became a
complete state of dark matter. Look at it this way, when God
subjected creation, which includes man, to futility and com-
manded the earth not to give its full strength to man, because
of the sin of man, He was actually dumbing-down the capac-
ity of man to have dominion over creation and also reduc-
ing his life expectancy. And the reason is simple…He knows
that the heart of the fallen man is wicked and were he able
to use his full abilities, it would spell doom for all creation.
Remember that the land of Shinar, where the tower of Ba-
bel was built, is also considered the house of wickedness.
See Zechariah 5:8 for context. For, clearly, when God com-
manded man not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good
and evil, He also told him to eat of all the trees of the Gar-
den, which included the tree of life, which was in the midst
of the Garden. I believe that the initial intention was not so
much about man not eating the fruit from the tree of knowl-
edge of good and evil, but that he was supposed to eat of the
tree of life first, which is also the Spirit of God, the tree of
wisdom and creativity, which would have given him the re-
quired maturity to handle the tree of knowledge of good and
evil. God knew that the moment that man ate of the tree of
death (knowledge of good and evil) the wickedness it cre-
ated in his soul would overwhelm the entire earth, so He,
God, could not leave man in possession of the fullness of
his original mental and soul capacity, which is what futility is.
For example, imagine if Bill Gates could use one hun-
dred percent of his mental capacity, coupled with the wick-
ed thoughts in his heart to reduce the world’s population