Page 169 - A People Called Afrika
P. 169
Afrika’s Indigenous Knowledge Systems
the entire earth. The stream or riverhead that encompassed the
entire land of Cush or Afrika is synonymous with the stream
of Afrikan spirituality, which is the same thing as the ancient
spirituality that Thoth taught in ancient Kemet and which con-
stituted the “religion” of the Bonaabakhulu Basekhem, that
is, the Brotherhood of The Higher Ones of Ancient Egypt.
So as a disruptor, the faith walk with God (erroneously called
Christianity) was given to create a new course for this stream
of Afrikan spirituality that broke out of the Garden of Eden
to join the other three streams and then find its way back to
the throne of God and of the Lamb. (See Revelation 22:1).
But the thing is this, just like the people in the days of Je-
sus hijacked the temple of God in Jerusalem and turned it
into a den of thieves, so have men and sons of the woman
who sits upon the waters, hijacked the faith walk with God,
given it a street name called Christianity (The Apostles were
first called Christians on the streets of Antioch) and have
made a den of thieves out of it. But God will not contin-
ue to have it that way, they shall be chased out with a three
corded whip and the walk of faith with God will be renewed
even as the Afrikan spirituality will be made whole again.
The significance of the circle in traditional Afri-
kan spirituality
It’s funny just how little we pay mind to things, often deter-
mining that they are there because they are there. Which,
in and of itself, means absolutely nothing. For many, a cir-
cle is simply a round shape they had to draw in school. Or
a circle is used for purposes of calculating certain variables
in order to pass an exam. Probably additional meaning was
drawn from interpretations given about wedding rings being