Page 239 - A People Called Afrika
P. 239
The New Afrikan Union
has been corrupted by years of eating junk and GMO foods.
Beyond that, as Dr. Githae explained, we look at health
from a holistic point of view. Much of Afrika is still very
connected in terms of family relationships, and our support
systems are more intact that in many places in the world.
There are places where Afrikans can share their fears and
concerns, get support from a dearly loved one and places of
safety to stay in times of financial strain, for the most part.
There are those online who have questioned our standards
of hygiene, while they also go out and buy prebiotics and pro-
biotics and whatnot to restore their gut microbiome and take
multivitamins to boost their health and build their immunity
because of over-sanitizing and over-vaccinating to the point
that they do not have a naturally strong immune system. Af-
rikans are exposed to diverse microbes continually, ensuring
that our bodies are constantly developing strong immune sys-
tems, kind of like going to the gym on a regular basis, because
our immune systems are constantly getting a good workout.
Spiritually speaking, we are a people who are very dependent
on God and we release our pain and cries for help to the One
Who we know will hear us and have mercy and spare us from
disaster. It is a reality for us, rather than theory. Much of the
help we have received, while many attribute it to physical
things, we know has come straight from God, Himself. The
reassurance of being connected to our Maker also removes
much of the fear that comes with the possibility of leaving this
world, because we know our destination is secured in Him.
This is not to boast, but to encourage a people who are more