Page 30 - A People Called Afrika
P. 30
this world and a place where they feel they belong in the sys-
tem, others, those often rejected and mistreated, have woken
up. No longer willing or even able to continue under the hyp-
notic spell of the lies they have been fed, they have grown rest-
less in the falsehoods of the narratives spun to control them.
They have realized that they were betrayed by their govern-
ments and by Afrikan business owners who they thought they
could look up to and trust. They have been harmed by the
corruption and the failure and unwillingness to do anything
about the injustice that the people face daily. They have seen
that their children will not actually have a place in the dream
(or nightmare) that they were told is called development and
progress in Afrika, but rather that the true power and con-
trol rests in the hands of a few greedy selfish individuals;
just like it did at what was popularly called independence.
They have understood that even when they follow the rules
and guidelines set for them by their governments, or by donors
or foreign bodies like the UN, the WHO, the World Bank or
whoever thinks they are in charge on a particular day, that they
are not able to attain to the heights that they were promised
and that those who seem to soar, do so on a cloud of illegal-
ity and illegitimacy and that they appear to get away with it.
They have waited and hoped in vain that a solution would be
forthcoming from the system. They are tired, because noth-
ing is working and at the rate that things are going, nothing
is ever going to work. They want things to change but they
know that the only meaningful change that can take place is
when they themselves do something to change themselves,
their families, their locales and the aspects of society that