Page 34 - A People Called Afrika
P. 34
for wicked and twisted philosophies. They compromised.
Before going any deeper into this conversation, we must first
address some things that may otherwise be in danger of being
glossed over. The question must be asked and addressed satis-
factorily as to whether Afrika was perfect before the socio-eco-
nomic and cultural disruptions and erosions triggered by
Arabic, Western and Eastern slavery, colonialism and neoco-
lonialism. Why? It would be way too easy to create yet another
false narrative about Afrika in the quest for the support of a
‘return’ to what used to be. We must, of necessity, take into
account the things that Afrika did that were abhorrent to the
Father. Any other course of action would be a foolish endeav-
or indeed, because we would be painting a false picture in the
attempt to build a pure future. What a futile course of action.
For years, the people outside Afrika referred to her as the Dark
Continent, speaking of witchcraft and what they called ‘barbar-
ic’ practices that they said that Afrikans engaged in. Those who
considered themselves ‘civilized’ and ‘advanced’ often painted
many nations with this same brush, particularly those wherein
dwelt people of darker skin tone and downplaying the existence
of these practices in their own so-called civilized lands. There
are several crucial issues that must be dealt with concerning this:
i) There has never been, nor will there ever be, any nation or
person that God deems holy, pure, perfect or righteous except
by His own specific standard. He alone is the accurate plumb
line. In other words, the whole world has been sailing in the
same ship of being subject to the superior standard of God,
whether they have been aware of it or not. God does not have
different standards for different people; wickedness is pun-