Page 42 - A People Called Afrika
P. 42
This twist in mindset about the good of Afrika not being appre-
ciated by Afrikans themselves over time has created an ugly sit-
uation in which Afrikans prefer to go to Dubai’s fake expensive
sandy beaches and energy draining hotels, which they label five
star, all the while neglecting the very natural white beaches be-
hind their houses at home in Afrika. This is just a tiny little por-
tion of the many aspects in which Afrikans have undermined
themselves, to the detriment of true liberation and development.
The white or Asian man comes to Afrika to see nature and
wildlife, he enjoys that natural flow of clean energy, interacts
with it, creates new ideas in this atmosphere of peaceful ener-
gy, communes with the local communities like a friendly vis-
itor but goes back home with this narrative that Afrika is all
about nature, wildlife and communities that need and depend
on charity and so on! The Afrikans themselves see the outside
world as the greener pasture, where their fanciful dreams will
come to pass and they do all in their power to go there to
become slaves to a system that entraps them for generations.
Therefore, the Afrikan does not take a stand to develop and
change his own home, while the foreigners do not give an ac-
curate representation of Afrika back home, outside of it being
a tourist center, a place to bring third class products (while
calling it local empowerment) and, as usual, the place of the
alms begging villages. This sustains the narrative of a down-
trodden Afrika which, in a way, supplies a steady stream of
fake news to the fake and global elite-controlled media houses.
Afrika’s shame has become her ball and chain, shackling her
to a false reality that she does not even believe she is worthy
of breaking out of. Her people think, talk and live like slaves,
her governments are run by those who act and think like colo-