Page 39 - Agenda 21
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             Here’s a book that dismantles the claims of Climatism: Mad, Mad, Mad World of Climatism

             Here’s a book by a leading champion of climate truth, Senator James Inhofe: The Greatest Hoax: How
             the Global Warming Conspiracy Threatens Your Future
             Here’s a movie on the true cost of the Global Warming hysteria:

             “An analysis of NASA satellite data shows that water vapor, the most important greenhouse gas, has
             declined in the upper atmosphere causing a cooling effect that is 16 times greater than the warming
             effect from man-made greenhouse gas emissions during the period 1990 to 2001.

             The world has spent over $ 1 trillion on climate change mitigation based on climate models that don’t
             work. They are notoriously poor at simulating the 20th century warming because they do not include
             natural causes of climate change – mainly due to the changing sun - and they grossly exaggerate the
             feedback effects of greenhouse gas emissions.

             Most scientists agree that  doubling  the amount of  carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere,  which
             takes  about  150  years,  would  theoretically  warm  the  earth  by  one  degree  Celsius  if  there  were  no
             change in evaporation, the amount or distribution of water vapor and clouds. Climate models amplify
             the initial CO2 effect by a factor of three by assuming positive feedbacks from water vapor and clouds,
             for which there is little direct evidence. Most of the amplification by the climate models is due to an
             increase in upper atmosphere water vapor.

             The NASA  water  vapor project  (NVAP)  uses  multiple  satellite sensors  to  create  a  standard  climate
             dataset to measure long-term variability of global water vapor.

             Climate models predict upper atmosphere moistening which triples the greenhouse effect from man-
             made  carbon  dioxide  emissions.  The  new  satellite  data  from  the  NASA  water  vapor  project  shows
             declining upper atmosphere water vapor during the period 1988 to 2001. It is the best available data
             for water vapor because it has global coverage. Calculations by a line-by-line radiative code show that
             upper atmosphere water vapor changes at 500 mb to 300 mb have 29 times greater effect on OLR and
             temperatures than the same change near the surface. The cooling effect of the water vapor changes on
             OLR is 16 times greater than the warming effect of CO2 during the 1990 to 2001 period. Radiosonde
             data  shows  that  upper  atmosphere  water  vapor  declines  with  warming.  The  IPCC  dismisses  the
             radiosonde data  as  the decline  is  inconsistent  with  theory.  During  the  1990  to  2001 period, upper
             atmosphere water vapor from satellite data declines more than that from radiosonde data, so there is
             no reason to dismiss the radiosonde data. Changes in water vapor are linked to temperature trends in
             the upper atmosphere. Both satellite data and radiosonde data confirm the absence of any tropical
             upper atmosphere temperature amplification,  contrary to IPCC theory. Four independent  data sets
             demonstrate that the IPCC theory is wrong. CO2 does not cause significant global warming.”

             Another dimension of the environmentalists’ commitment to AGENDA 21 is their naturalist
             worldview that denies mankind’s spiritual dimension, reducing us to advanced forms of animal life.
             That motivates the biodiversity people to elevate animal rights to those of humans.

             "In this model, politics loses its left-versus-right conflict and moves instead towards a fundamental
             concern for the health of the ecosystem...Democracy is replaced with "biocracy," where not
             people but life-sustaining systems are the central concern.”
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