Page 66 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 1
P. 66

                                                                                extension their individual crosses
                                                                                that must be carried in this season
                                                                                that we find ourselves in. For the
                                                                                purpose  of  thinking,  of  all  the
                                                                                historical religious relics that were
                                                                                destroyed in that massive fire that
                                                                                burnt for more than twelve hours, it
                                                                                is reported that the cross standing
                                                                                on the altar, which looks like “a hill
                                                                                of Golgotha” was not touched by
                                                                                the fire. This is not a coincidence
                                                                                at all. That the church of God has
                                                                                walked away from  the  cross  of
                                                                                Christ which is the power of God
                                                                                for salvation  and  has  embraced
                                                                                the  worship of Baal  which  is
                                                                                directly  tied  to  Babylon  and  the
                                                                                worship of Mammon through
                                                                                luxury has triggered something in
                                                                                heaven  and  for which, judgment
                                                                                will no longer be withheld on earth.
                                                                                That  the  attention  of the  world
                                                                                has now turned to the millions of
                                                                                dollars  donated  to the  rebuilding
                                                                                of the  cathedral,  rather  than  to
                                                                                what God is saying concerning the
                                                                                burning, is key to what this season
        The Fire, The Cross and                                                 is about and what the church has
                                                                                been  worshipping.  Hell  has  been
                                                                                broken  loose, even  as  heaven  is
        The Lamb                                                                giving  its  final  warning  for  those
                                                                                called  out “from  among them  to”
                                                                                to  pick  up  their  cross  again  with
                                                                                godly zeal  and  walk  the  walk
                                                                                of faith  set  before  them. For it
          Samuel Phillips                                                       also  not  a  coincidence  that  this

                                                                                incident happened in the week of
                                                                                Easter, which also coincides with
                                                                                Passover, a  thing  which is  rare
                                                                                historically.  That  both  the  dying
        The  story of Easter  is  one  of   who understands this as what God    of the Lamb of God on the cross,
        beauty formed  out of ashes,        is watching over diligently to bring   which Easter celebrates is coming
        life  formed out  of death,  and    to pass also in our day, will have a   together with  the  separation
        Spirit  manifesting  out  of  flesh   deeper understanding of what this   through death  that  Passover
        and  corruption.  It  is  the  story   Easter is  meant  to do in  us and   speaks of and that the burning of
        of  sacrifice,  blood  of  cleansing   why the  Notre  Dame  Cathedral   the  earthly  cathedral  made  with
        for redemption  and  every  other   incident happened.                  human hands  came at  the  same
        thing it stands for in God. It is the                                   time,  points  to something  each
        beautiful  story of the  coming to   The Notre Dame Cathedral           person must pay attention to. God
        pass of that which father Abraham   There are lots of things  I believe   is calling out by separation, those
        prophesied  on the  mountains  of   God  is  saying  about  the  fire   who will  walk  away  from that
        Moriah when  he  said,  “  My son,   incident  that  happened  at  the   which is  built  by human hands,
        GOD  will  PROVIDE  for  HIMSELF    Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, of   embrace the cross and also be a
        THE  LAMB  for  a  burnt  offering”   which  I  believe  others  have  been   lamb provided by God for Himself
        (Emphases mine). This is the most   given  to write about, but this  is   in this season. One more thing that
        important part of this message to   the piece of the puzzle that came   the  incident  of  the  Notre  Dame
        anyone who God will allow to read   to my heart about it. I believe the   Cathedral showed me is this, God
        and also have understanding. But    Lord  is  pointing  His  people  back   has  come  to  judge  the  harlot,
        critical thinking is required. For he   to His cross of redemption and by
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