Page 71 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 1
P. 71
Sometimes, God puts thoughts through different ways. To one He Africans are naturally gifted with
in our heart towards others says, “neither do I condemn you, communal love and unity between
irrespective of whether we know go and sin no more” and to the brethren, even though this concept
them or not. These thoughts that other He says, “you shall die in your has been corrupted over time by
God puts in our hearts sometimes sin.” Two equal opposite realities the many doctrines of the new
create such burdens and fire that of love that He showed, but which age religions of self-love and no
we become restless or even lose an untrained human mind may see sacrifices. I grew up knowing
sleep. This restlessness often as partial and unfair. And, mind that the raising and training of
happens when the ability to re- you, that scripture says, neither the African child is a communal
create the thoughts of love that do I condemn you, it didn’t say thing based on true love between
God placed in our hearts has not neither do I judge you. Meaning, families that live together in
been effectively used. And that’s He critically looked at the situation communities, not divided by the
why you often hear some talk (to judge the fragments) took the internet, and not attacked by the
about the love in their hearts and position of God by the Spirit of new thought that if you correct
then you see the same people Understanding, and then passed or discipline my child without my
act out on the outside something the judgement of the heart of God consent, then I can arrest you for
way contrary to that which they which bears no condemnation child abuse. Its time we re-think
truly feel on the inside. It’s almost for her. That is a Man that has our love concepts and how we
a war between the art of love perfected both the heart and the express these concepts in dealing
and the heart of love. And I want art of God through submission of with life and others.
to believe that sometimes this self-will to the will of God.
disparity is given strength by how In conclusion, the life of Jesus,
or what the society has defined Living Out this Life His walk on earth, His death, His
as love and how people should Day-to-day in our walk of faith with resurrection from the dead, and
express it, creating so much “love” God, we meet people, get involved His coming again, are all tied to
with words but death in the heart. in situations that put pressure on one thing: the heart and art of love
Jesus was never trapped between our love status and sometimes we by the submission to the will of
the bridge in His heart of love and win in this test and sometimes we God. Simple. That submission to
His art of love, while dealing with lose. But the reality is that, what we the will of God, defined His talking
people. He didn’t take for granted sometimes call failure or success style, walking style, relationship
the love that His Father felt in concerning love is just how it was style, teaching style, eating
His heart towards the adulterous defined by the society, Hollywood style, drinking style, emotional
woman caught in the act (except movies, religion and has nothing to expressions etc In the same way,
that the man she was caught in do with both failure or the success we must live and relate to those
the act with was not around...pun that the Spirit defines. We can’t both close to us and far from us.
intended) and didn’t hold back the continue to live like this. For we Love is the most talked about
heart of love from the Father to her must both master the heart and the concept in society, but the least
even though everyone else carried art of love from God’s perspective. understood in the same society.
stones. In the same way, He See what the Apostle Paul said For men think that love is an act
wasn’t silent about rebuking the about love in 1 Corinthians 13. of emotions and passions, but
Pharisees who called themselves This scripture clearly captures truly, love is the heart of the Father
‘the teachers of the laws of Israel’ the art of love, in a sense, but expressed in acts of hope, faith
but whose sins and unfaithfulness shows us how that if there is no and charity. For hope is not about
to God were a stench in Heaven. true love, which is sacrifice by pushing the realities of today into
He didn’t allow for once, any clog the submission of self-will to the tomorrow, for tomorrow has its
in the bridge between His heart of will of God, then the act of love is own hope, love reality and its own
love and His art of love, both to the unprofitable. Meaning that I can evil. So, do that which is meant for
woman caught in adultery and the give my limited salary to a beggar, today and by that, your heart will be
Pharisees walking in self deception rescue a thousand children from prepared, matured and perfected
and unholiness. His response to poverty, go to an African country to take on the act of love needed
both sides, though different, was to do helps, but if I don’t do these for tomorrow.
an expression of the Father’s love things in submission to the will of God bless you.
to extend His hand of second God, I still have done nothing. For,
chances to both parties. He loved iniquity is anything done outside
them all but expressed that love of submission to the will of God.