Page 76 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 1
P. 76

The  town continued  to shock us  were  moving’  on up to view the  us  to be  a  huge volcanic crater,
        because it got colder and mistier  striking Lake Paradise, or as Sam  wide and deep. There on the edge
        than  Limuru. Twice, by  night  and  describes  it,  the  bowl of green  of this deep dry hole Sam faithfully
        early in the morning, my husband  soup - a crater lake nestled deep  wrote the message he was given:
        went  to the  rooftop to pray and  within a forest in Mt. Marsabit. We  “The  Lord  is  Here”.  Which  is  the
        came back COLD!                     stood where a herd of elephants  name  of the  New  Jerusalem
        In the morning he told me that it  had passed by recently, according  (Ezekiel  48:35).  It  also  is  the
        was so misty he could barely see  to our guide. Despite  the  relative  meaning  of the  name Jehovah
        in front of him.                    lushness  of the  mountain,  the  Shammah.  The  New Jerusalem
        I must not have been  paying  waters of the lake were quite low,  being the final reality that God is
        attention in class because this all  a product of the season - we think.  establishing  where  He  comes  to
        came as  a  complete surprise  to  A different  herd  of buffalo were  dwell  in  the  midst  of  His  people
        me. Lol. What a delight.            hundreds  of meters  below us  and He alone is their Light and their
                                            wading into the very middle of the  Temple. And we made the prayers
        THE BOWL OF GREEN SOUP              lake  or grazing  along  the  edges.  and  declarations  to  establish  His
        The  next  day  we  attempted  to  We  also  ‘happened’  to  arrive  in  will in the land and nation of Kenya
        go into  Marsabit  National  Park  the  season  when  the  butterflies  and in the world. Zech 6:8 And He
        and travel up Mt. Marsabit in the  were     emerging     from    their  called  to me, and  spoke  to me,
        chariot. God bless  that game  chrysalis. In a magnificent display,  saying, “See, those who go toward
        ranger,  he  managed  to  restrain  these  triumphant  ones  who  had  the north country have given rest
        himself from laughing at us in our  completed their  transformations  to My Spirit in the north country.”
        built  for the  streets  low rider.   It  to enter into maturity were dancing  Alleluia!
        was when we took his advice and  on the wind in glorious celebration  We  drove  back  to  the  hotel  with
        hired  a  local  of Indian  descent,  of victory.                      the wonderful instant shower and
        with  a 4x4  landcruiser, whose  We  left  shortly  after  ... the  made  our preparations  to  leave
        family  has  lived  in  Marsabit  for  negotiated  fee  had  expired, so  for  Nairobi the  following day.
        generations,  that  we understood  we could  go  no  further.    Down  We topped up from our jerry can
        why the ranger wouldn’t  let us in  the  mountain and  back to the  and fuelled in the forbidden land.
        using our chariot. That road would  well  rested  chariot we went  with  Like  I  said,  God’s  journey.  And
        have  ripped  the  bottom off the  glad  hearts.  Thankful  for the  the  next  morning,  after a relaxed
        mighty  brave chariot. It  is  steep,  experience.                     breakfast, we made our way back
        it  had  rained  and  it  had  eroded.                                 to a different land, over the goring
        When  our guide  and  driver got  REST IN THE NORTH                    shark’s  teeth,  to  Nairobi,  where
        out to engage  his  diff lock and  We  hopped  back  in  the  silver  the  faithful  chariot died  as  we
        got back on to use his little gear  chariot and drove a short distance  approached KBC  (the  charging
        we realized we had finally hit the  along  the  route  Moyale  to  system  had  failed).  After giving
        big  time!  The  road  is  as  narrow  complete our  mission. It boggles  her battery a chance to revive and
        as  some  of those  in  Aberdare  the  mind  how  quickly the  terrain  managing to move only a few meters
        mountains and just as overgrown.  is  transformed from lush  and  before  it  died  again,  a  recovery guy
        Thickets  conceal  both  leopards  green to dry and barren along this   found us, left us (price was not right)
        and  Samburu  herders  and  their  stretch. Literally as you leave the   and then came back for us (it was a
        cattle. Shy Lesser Kudu peek out  town, you’re  in  a  different  world.   long weekend after all) and we were
        from time to time wondering who  I don’t  know how God does  it.       towed home safely  having  used  up
        came to disrupt their peace.        A helpful  Administrative police   the  last  coins  we had  in  our  budget
                                                                               and so grateful to God for bringing us
        After  the  first  hill  our  eyes  were  officer  recommended  that  we  go   all the way.
        drawn to Sokorte  Diko  watering  to the  Gof along the  way. Which
        hole  and  plain  below  us  where  turned out to be what seemed to
        Marsabit Lodge stands. A herd of
        egret-adorned buffalo were grazing     Lake Paradise viewing point atop
        nearby watchfully assessing these             mount Marsabit.
        newcomers to  see  whether  they
        would need  to engage  their hard
        heads or not. Based on the number
        of skulls lying around, I am pretty
        hopeful we would have survived
        any onslaught.  Maybe?
        Anyhow  we didn’t  stick  around
        long  enough  to  find  out.  We
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