Page 73 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 1
P. 73

        HEAL THE LAND                       section of bush which most likely  the rivers, seas, oceans and the air.
        If my people who are called by my  was virgin land and this gave you  During the  Second World War,
        name will humble themselves and  a brand new fertile farm, while the  Africans in  Kenya  were  also
        pray and seek  my face  and turn  land you had been working rested.  allowed  to start  growing  cash
        from their wicked ways, then I will  Crops were grown mostly in small  crops at a small scale, besides the
        hear from heaven, and will forgive  farms.                              crops they grew for subsistence.
        their  sin and heal  their  land. (2                                    This was because of the increase
        CHRONICLES 7:14. )                  Africa was  a  pioneer  in  the  in  demand  for these  crops as
                                            development      of    agriculture  a  result  of the  war.  They  also
        The  Genesis  story  of  the  bible  is  with  the  first  farms  established  started  using  modern farming
        such a beautiful show of the mind  millennia  before  the  birth  of  methods  including  fertilizers  on
        of God towards man and the ease  Christ  Jesus.  A wide  variety  of  their  farms.  This  further spread
        at which He God intended man to  crops were  grown across  the  the  degradation  of soils  into the
        relate  with  his  environment.  He  continent  from the  Sahel,  West  African reserves.  Furthermore
        God planted  the  garden  and only  Africa, Sudan, Ethiopia, Eritrea, the  some of them used the chemical
        gave  man  the  job  to  Tend  and  Zambezi  River, Congo river basin  fertilizers  on  the  food crops  they
        Keep the garden and by extension,  Uganda and Egypt. In places raffia,  grew as  the  demand to supply
        the earth.                          oil  palm, peas,  groundnuts,  kola  emerging  markets  in  the  towns
        Later,  when  man  succumbed  to  nuts, sorghum,  bananas, pearl  that were growing rapidly all over
        the  wiles  of the  devil, God put a  millet, gourds melons beans yams  the  country  increased.  This  was
        curse on the ground and  only in  and  African rice were  all  grown  the beginning of what has become
        toil was he  to eat  from  it.  Man  thousands of years BC.             the  modern  agricultural  system
        was  banished  from the  garden                                         in Kenya. It is basically based on
        God had  planted  and  sent  out  When        European      influence  growing of food crops, industrial
        to till  the  ground from  which he  arrived  with  colonization,  there  crops  and  horticultural  crops
        had been taken. This ground was  was  introduction of large  scale  using  chemical fertilizers  and
        to  bring  forth  both  thistles  and  farming.  The colonial masters  herbicides.
        thorns, and so, in order to get food  grabbed  large tracts  of land  and  When chemical fertilizers are used
        he  had  to  battle  these  first.  He  used forced labour from the locals  consistently  on  the  land, more
        was to eat from the sweat of his  to grow different  types  of crops  fertiliser is needed in subsequent
        labour. We can say that the route  for commercial  purposes.  This  years  as  the  soil  is  acidified  and
        to soil  degradation  started  here  had a great effect on the land and  stripped of all its nutrients.
        as  man  was  bound  to  find  ways  soils  on  the  continent.  First  the  Eventually it gets to a point where
        of reducing the  sweat  he  had to  large scale farming led to clearing  nothing  can grow, unless  you
        expend in order to get food from  of vast areas of bush and forest.  apply  more  and  more  fertiliser
        the ground.                         This  started  the  environmental  each  year.  This  means  that  the
                                            degradation  that  continues  today  plants get their nutrients from the
        Over the years, as the population  with rainfall patterns changing and  chemicals. In addition to this, it is
        all over the world increased, there  soil erosion increasing. Plantation  old fashioned to weed in modern
        was a concurrent demand for food  farming introduced by the colonial  agriculture. Chemical  herbicides
        and introduction of new farming  government  brought about soil  and  also  chemical  pesticides
        techniques.  Looking  back to the  degradation.  This  is  because  it  complete the  picture.  The  food
        African traditional  agricultural  was mostly  mono-cropping that  produced then ends up with high
        practices,  we need  no  research  was done. The main crops grown  chemical residues.  These  cause
        to know that it was a sustainable  were maize, coffee, tea, sisal wheat  diseases like cancer to spread.
        way  of  food  production  that  and fodder crops like hay. Mono-
        was  used  to  produce food  and  cropping without crop rotation  In  order  to  grow healthy  organic
        over  hundreds  of years.  There  degrades  the  soil  by  stripping  it  foods, a healing  of the  mind,
        were  lower populations  and  vast  of the nutrients that the particular  spirit  and of the  land  needs  to
        spaces in which to grow food and  crop requires.  In  most  cases,  take place. We must not only
        keep livestock. Food was grown in  rotation  was not  done  because  humble  ourselves  and  pray but
        the more fertile areas and animals  of the  demand  for the  crops  in  also turn from the wicked ways of
        were grazed  in  the  areas  where  Europe  where  they  were  being  modern  agriculture and embrace
        grass  was predominant.  If you  exported. The solution to this was  sustainable  practices  of Farming
        farmed an area for a period of time  to start using chemical fertilizers  God’s  Way in  order to grow
        and  felt  the  nutrients  in  the  soil  to  keep  the  land  productive  year  healthy food for the people of this
        were  depleted, all  you had  to do  after year. This led to acidification  continent.  In  the  next  article  we
        in many places was to clear out a  of the soils in addition to polluting  shall see how to do this.

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