Page 74 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 1
P. 74

Mount Ololokwe, Samburu.

               ROAD TRIP


                Driving about 530 kms or eight hours from Nairobi to Marsabit was nothing short of fun, even
               though hectic. It’s such a beauty to behold the African landscape as you make your way through
                               the miles, on a mission to bring to fulfilment the mind of God.
                                                  By: Chioma Phillips

        FROM THE START                      just  to write a message  from  carefully through the dark winding
        Road trips  are  exciting!  You toss  God on  the  dusty  desert  ground.  roads  of Makuyu, Karatina  -  as
        your  things  in the  car  and head  Quite  unusual!  This  bore  witness  all  the  regular  road  users  were
        off for  hundreds  of kilometers  in  with me though, so we were on! I  busy  flying  past  us  of  course,
        one direction or the other seeking  was born in Kenya, he wasn’t, but  unhampered by my inexperience,
        adventure and the  thrill  of new  this was a virgin mission for both  nerves  and discomfort. Anyway,
        experiences  and  acquaintances.  of us  and  I  was  to drive!  Long  by sun up we were whispering our
        Excited  and  curious about  what  distance  was never my thing  but  way  past  Nyeri  and  heading  up
        you  will  find  around  the  next  God  was  determined  to  shatter  towards Lisoi and Laikipia.
        corner... mountains  and  valleys  those limitations for me using my

        and  beaches,  spectacular  views  longest drive yet, a 1060km round  HERE COMES THE SUN
        and interesting people with stories  trip filled with many unknowns. So  The  sunrise  was  breathtaking.  It
        that thrill.                        we did our  research. Which fuel  was as if a glass cloche was being
        The thrill is even greater when God  stations  to use  and  which ones  gently  lifted  up off the  earth  all
        is  in  the  story  and  when  HE  has  to avoid. God sent us a mechanic  around  us  and  light,  once  again,
        commanded the journey.              who lent us a 20lt jerry can to fill  embraced our weary souls. Off we
        Now  you’re not just  travelling  to  in Nairobi, just in case we ran out  sped as police checkpoints began
        get to the end of the rainbow, no!  of ‘good’ fuel along the  way. We  to be  set  up at  various points,
        Now you’re  a  secret  agent  on  a  learnt  that  the  road  had  recently  like  luminous yellow punctuation
        mission to save the world!          been  transformed from being  a  marks along  a  very long  winding
        Some moons ago, when  my  122km  car killer  where  drivers  tale written in black tar.
        husband  Samuel and  I  just  got  would spend  hours travelling,  in  We  used  the  Timau  route, which
        married, the  Lord  impressed  fear of bandits,  to a highway of  was a surprise for both of us, not
        it  upon  my husband’s  heart  to  pure driving heaven. (Just keep an  just because of the evil and wicked
        travel  to  Marsabit,  which  is  in  eye  out for the  wildlife... and  the  mountainous  speed  bumps  that
        the  north  of Kenya, to carry out  cattle).                            someone  who appeared  (to my
        a  rather  unusual  assignment.  It  We found a hotel online and made  eyes at the time) to want to do to
        was unusual in the sense that, he  our  bookings.  Packed  our  bags,  me harm had erected. They were
        had shared with me several of his  fueled  the  Chariot  of God and  made mostly of large jagged rock
        God-given assignments and none  set  off one morning at four  am  and glued together with soil with
        was  as  weird  as  this.  Imagine  towards Marsabit.                   the sharp edges of the granite rock
        travelling  for more  than  8  hours                                    pointing upwards at the bottom of
        per leg  (to Marsabit  and back)  RIDE BEFORE DAWN                      the  car  like  giant  sharks’  teeth.  I
                                            We  navigated  our  way very  nearly wept as we crossed the six
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