Page 75 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 1
P. 75


        or so of them. (I cried to God for  feature was Mt. Ololokwe  in  a  guessed  it  ... we didn’t  pick him.
        help in Marsabit at the thought of  granite  landscape  of unusual  Safety first... we opted out and left
        the return journey via the evil teeth  giant rock sculptures that I believe  him hoping he would get a matatu
        of timau). I digressed. Apologies.   God is enjoying carving, Ololokwe  or  other vehicle  occasionally
        The  route  was  also  a  surprise  stood out  as  a  huge  monolith  plying the route.
        because  we both  had  never set  welcoming us to this vast terrain
        eyes  on  the  leeward  side of Mt.  in  Samburu.  Known intimately  by  MAKE WAY FOR THE WINDS
        Kenya. It was dry and dusty, dull  the locals, inviting and mysterious   If you do consider  making this
        colored and ... rather disappointing  to the newcomer.  The other  trip, you must be on the alert for
        to look at. I guess this is why it has  features looked like long tall men,  the  crosswinds  along  this  road
        never been celebrated in picture as  still others like giants laying down  all  the  way  up  to  Moyale.  Please
        it’s more glamorous snowcapped  on their backs looking up to God...  pay attention to the  signs,  keep
        windward face. Surprised at  the  this  Ololokwe  is  a  like  a bold  your windows  closed  and  watch
        contrast, we drove on, took the left  declaration of something grand to  your  speed.  The  first  time  we
        hand  turn towards  Isiolo, where  come.                                were struck by them, the  chariot
        we paused to refuel. No. It wasn’t  The road was beautiful to drive on.  actually  rocked  slightly.  That’s
        on our research list. God’s journey.  Very few cars. The only annoyance  how powerful  they  are.  So don’t
        God  took  over  from the  wisdom  being the herds of goats and cows  play. Other than that, this leg of the
        of man. I forgot to mention, I  that  tended  to stray too close to  journey is pure joy to drive.
        didn’t  know where  I  was going,  the  edge of the  road. You’re on  Our journey took us  past  dry
        but  didn’t  want  to back down  high alert.                            riverbeds  such as  the  Serolevi
        from a  challenge.  So I  prayed  Every 50 or so kilometers we met  (which  we explored  on a  later
        and asked God to help me not to  herds  boys  out  with  their  cattle  trip to the gates of Marsabit), we
        lose his son in the wild. He came  who kept running towards us while  passed  many such dry riverbeds
        through.  Along  the  way  He  gave  pointing  at  empty plastic  bottles  en route, so much so that arriving
        me  directions  like:  “keep  the  sun  and  shouting.  Eventually  we  in  Marsabit  town caught  us  off
        on your right shoulder”, “turn here  figured it out, they were asking for  guard.
        now!” it was awesome!               water. We didn’t really have a lot on
        We set off from Isiolo at about ten  us and balancing the need to stay  MARSABIT TOWN
        am. Heading into vistas unknown.   hydrated  while  on the  road, we  Marsabit is beautiful and cool and
        It  was  when  we  got  to  Archers  eventually stopped for somewhere  green and it had rained just a few
        Post  that  I  started  to recognise  along  the  way  and  shared  some  days before so it was even wet.
        names from my school text books.  of what we had. Along with some  The  town is  situated  on Mt.
        “Oh! Ewaso Nyiro river!” “Oh! The  bread. They seemed accustomed  Marsabit  and  is  such a  welcome
        Samburu,  Borana  and  Rendille!”  to this so we figured that travellers  oasis  in  a barren and dry
        God bless my patient husband.       who had gone before us had begun  landscape.
        We were both taken by how dry it  this little custom.                   We got there at  about 1  or  2pm.
        was. There had been reports on the                                      Exhausted in part because we had
        news about the drought and cattle  NO GUNS, PLEASE!                     barely  slept  the  night  before.  We
        dying... we saw their white bones  Along the  way we spotted  a  drove up and down looking for our
        and  skulls  and  rotting  frames  by  Borana  man  asking  for a  lift,  we  hotel.  Eventually  we  found it  and
        the side of the road.               considered it for a few moments  went and exhaled.  Best  instant
        After Archers  Post,  probably  the  until  we saw his  AK47  draped  shower I have ever had anywhere.
        most exciting and  recognizable  casually on his arm. And then, you  Ever.


                                                              MARSABIT LODGE
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