Page 67 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 1
P. 67
the woman who sits upon many on the earth and which He Himself that God provided for Himself for
waters, who is also called Babylon made provision already for, in the redemption of all things back
the Great. For scripture says of hope. Such provisions almost all to Himself. And every single day,
that great city called Babylon, “The the time come as humans whom there is a need in God for which He
kings of the earth who committed He God designated to express made provision in a man. If you are
fornication and lived luxuriously His power to provide for Himself that man, are you willing to allow
with her will weep and lament for a lamb for that which has been in yourself to be a lamb provided for
her, when they see the smoke of her His heart from before time. the need of this hour, knowing that
burning, standing at a distance for Take for example; the Lord Jesus no lamb is useful until it is killed
fear of her torment, saying, ‘Alas, is the Lamb that God provided for and blood shed? For Jesus said.
alas, that great city Babylon, that Himself to solve by Himself a need “as My father sent me, so I am
mighty city! For in one hour your He created from the foundation sending you” (see John 17:18).
judgment has come.’ Rev 18:9-10 of the earth. His need was to And in this case, as sheep or
(Please read the entire chapter for bring man back to Himself as His lambs in the midst of wolves or a
clarity). Did the “kings of the earth” image and likeness. His provision perverse generation. No lamb is
see the Notre Dame burn? Yes was Jesus the Lamb that met useful to God except it is killed.
they did and thanks to TV and the that need, and by the sacrifice Same way he who must bear the
internet. And come to think of it, is of this Lamb that was provided, cross of being chosen as a lamb
it really a coincidence that Notre redemption was completed and provided by God for earth’s sake,
Dame means “Our Mother” or “Our now man can come back to God. must also bear in mind that the
Lady”? No it’s not a coincidence. His need for a Lamb was met by cross must have its full course. My
For it points directly to what Rev Jesus on the cross. The question prayer is that grace will be poured
17:5 calls now is this, what is the need that out for such a time as this.
“MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, God has in this season and for
THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS which He has chosen you to be a Time is Far spent
AND OF THE ABOMINATIONS OF lamb, provided by Himself and for These are no longer the days
THE EARTH”. Himself? For example, creation of jokes and comedies. These
And why is there such a rush must be set free from futility and are very serious days in which
to donate for the rebuilding of restored back to God. That is God’s scriptures are being fulfilled before
the cathedral, which I believe is need in this hour. In hope, the lamb our very eyes. Let us not play with
a distraction from the reality of He provided for Himself to do this the season, nor be weary of well
what is really going on or what the job are the sons of God. Those doing, for in this same season
entire incident means? Babylon who are not just walking by the shall God lead by Himself His army
will not prevail. Babylon shall not Spirit, but who have also mastered of truth. And to those who are the
be rebuilt. by that walk and by practice to Overcomers unto God, this is your
know good and evil, having also hour to spread your wings and fly
JEHOVAH JIREH embraced truth. Will God’s hope in with God’s wind behind your sails.
In my own practical definition, such sons who have been chosen
Jehovah Jireh for me means, the and raised for such a time as In conclusion, it is easy to laud Alaa
One who provides for Himself the this be dashed to the rocks, just Salah, the 22 year old woman that
Lamb that meets the need of that because they are refusing to grow became the symbol of the change
which He Himself planned and up or just because they love the in government in Sudan and also
sees in hope. taste of candy, or will they actually see her as the expression of the
And talking of providing because arise to the occasion as lambs female side of God manifested in
there is a need, I am not talking that God has provided for Himself? real time. It is true she is. But let
about what men have learnt in The choice is every man’s own us not forget that, as a woman
business school that if you want to to make. The Lord Jesus who we in Sudan which is predominantly
succeed in life, provide a solution celebrate during Easter has done Islamic and with its Sharia law,
for a need in the society. It sounds a great job in being the Lamb that she knew that standing on that car
noble, but that’s not what I am God provided for redemption, the to lead the protest was her head
talking about. There are eternal question is this, will you be faithful at stake. In her own way, and like
things that God created and also to the call to be the lamb that God Esther the young queen of Persia,
saw into the future from before the provided for Himself, to bring she has set up a memorial of what
foundation of the earth, but which solution to His need on the earth? it means to be the lamb provided
must come to manifestation at Think about it. by God for Himself to meet a need
each season meant for each of in real time.
such plans. These are things which Where are the Lambs of God? The question is, will you? Selah!
He Himself knew must manifest Easter is the story of the Lamb