Page 85 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 1
P. 85

Living Debt-free

                           BY: CHIOMA PHILLIPS

        Many  years  ago, God impressed  They’re  both  tied,  to  each  other  purely  about money, but  about
        it upon me to get out of debt and  and  to  a  system  that  rules  their  making a commitment concerning
        to do  everything  I  can  to  remain  minds.  It’s  awful to be  in  a  any matter under the sun, outside
        that  way.  He  also  asked  me  to  situation  being  constantly  under  of or according  to the  will  of
        warn other people to do the same.  subjugation to an entity and to be  God  and  fulfilling  the  terms  of
        Although currently I do owe money,  (almost) completely unaware. And  that  commitment regardless  of
        God has  lovingly  integrated this  that entity is Mammon.              cost.  For what  you will  owe, you
        into a  larger  training  programme                                     must  repay,  and  the  cost  of that
        that I’m in (all things together for  Since God spoke to me concerning  repayment  may  sometimes  be
        good). Story for another day!       debt, almost 12 years ago, I have  so high and you may consider
                                            come  to understand  that debt  backing out.
        Proverbs 22:7 says, in part, that the  is  not  limited  to money alone.
        borrower is the slave of the lender.  It’s  a  reality  that  emerges  from  Living  debt  free  is  about
        I’ve found that to be true. Painfully  a transaction  [interactions  with  honouring God in  making  plans
        so. As you would if you have ever  people,    systems    etc]  where    and  commitments  with  Him,  and
        taken a loan from a friend, family  commitments made by mouth or  keeping them.
        member,  financial  institution  or  in writing or in the heart now bind
        other. Suddenly, your liberties are  one to operate in a certain limited  I set out to write this article focusing
        curtailed  in  certain  respects:  any  capacity  until  one  has  fulfilled  on the importance of being debt-
        money  that  comes  in  is  already  the  terms of the  commitment.  free  in  cash-terms  in  the  time of
        committed, new investment ideas  Both  the  one  you have  made  the  the  Antichrist  (which  we  are  in
        or purchases have to be weighed  commitment to (person,  place  already)  and  how important  it  is
        against scheduled payouts. If you  or thing)  and  yourself are  bound  for you to stay out of the clutches
        default,  socially,  your life  takes  a  together by debt (promise) until it  and  the  influence  of  the  system.
        different  turn  -  you  find  yourself  is repaid.                     I  would  have  accompanied  this
        not really wanting to run into that                                     with  a  step-by-step  guide. While
        person  who you owe, dodging  How is one to navigate this world  it is still important for you to take
        phone  calls,  emails  and  so  on,  with all its choices and demands  note,  there  is  an  assured  way to
        perhaps concocting lie upon lie to  debt-free?                          cover that. Please understand that
        cover up your actions.              Do nothing without God’s say so.  I learnt something more important
                                            Righteousness  belongs  to God.  than being debt-free in cash terms
        The  situation  exerts  a  whole  It  stands  to reason  that  we are  in  the  years  between  when  God
        new set  of demands  on you that  not  to  make  any  commitments  first spoke to me and today (and
        you didn’t  realize  that  you had  outside  of God’s  will,  or else  the  I  am yet  learning  more)  -  that  if
        invited  on yourself. Sometimes  cost of that  debt  can even  be  a  you can keep faith  with  God and
        the  pressure  that  owing  can  snare unto us. Like it  happened  fellowship with Him, He will guide
        exert  upon  an  individual  impacts  with  Jephthah  (Judges  11  from  you to enable  you to circumvent
        their  mental  and physical health  vs  29)  upon  requesting  God  to  or  successfully  navigate  through
        as  well.  Stress  and  anxiety  can  give him victory over the people  the days of the tribulation, without
        manifest themselves physically as  of Ammon, he swore an oath unto  failing Him. And at the end of all
        insomnia  and  ulcers. In  extreme  God that whatever come out of the  things,  you will  be  found  debt-
        circumstances there have been  doors of his house first upon his  free  in the  most important  way
        cases  of depression  leading  to  peaceful return home from victory  possible. Debt-free to God.
        cases of suicide.                   over the  people  of Ammon, he
                                            would sacrifice this to God. Then  Please share your thoughts:
        Debt  has  the  power  to  influence  his daughter, and only child rushed  We’d love to hear from  you any
        and  limit  your  life’s  direction  and  out to meet  him upon his  return.  thoughts, questions, ideas that you
        choices. I  have  observed  (and  He was distraught but committed,  may have concerning debt-free
        entertained  in  myself both)  the  and she in turn gave him strength  living.  God-willing,  we may share
        boisterousness  of the  one  owed  to honor his  oath  to the  Lord by  these on one of our platforms.
        and the timidity and fearfulness of  laying down her life, willingly.
        the one in debt and I have noted                              
        one thing  they have in  common.  So then  living  debt  free  is  not
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