Page 82 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 1
P. 82

                                                                                enough to keep me going.

                                                                                I  started  to  see  kindness  in  His
                                                                                drawing  out  the  women of old
                                                                                during  the  days  of  their  flow,  to
                                                                                come away from the camp, away
                                                                                from the  matters  that  would
                                                                                take  their  attention  away from
                                                                                His  Spirit.  Each  month  He  would
                                                                                lovingly draw them to Himself and
                                                                                tend  to them  in  their  misery and
                                                                                then  perform  a  ritual  cleansing
                                                                                of renewal, as  a precursor  to
                                                                                the  arrival of the  Lamb of God,
                                                                                the  One Who would  wash them
                                                                                permanently clean in His flow.
                                                                                I started to understand the renewal
                                                                                of the  womb  in  expectation  and
        Menstruation. The Key to Life.                                          hope that  suddenly  life could
                                                                                emerge  to be  carried for nine

        The Mysteries of God concealed in the menstrual flow                    months  to full  term.  The  upward
                                                                                calling  to never take our  eyes
        BY: CHIOMA PHILLIPS                                                     off  the  future return of the  One
                                                                                Who has  been  promised to us,
        Out of all of God’s creation, none is  I  KNOW  You  Are  real,  You  Have   whose  promise  we  carry  in  our
        so  aptly  suited  to understanding,  become  my  heart’s desire and    wombs in  eternal  hope, birthing
        bearing and birthing the mysteries  I do not want a life without You -   life and peace and righteousness
        of God as  the  female.  Brought  yet these seeming contradictions      in  ourselves  and  every  life  we
        forth into the pain and anguish and  exist  within  my very  womb!!”    encounter, in  preparation  for  the
        dominion of living underneath the  “What of ‘out of my belly will flow   fulfillment  of  our  longing  only  to
        feet of the man as a result of the  rivers of living water? Yet what is   be made one with the King. Never
        curse of God brought about by the  this  fount of blood and  seeming    dropping that seed of hope.
        deception  of Eve by the  serpent,  futility?  Without  understanding   God also began  to reveal  to me
        she has endured many sufferings  I have often cried. I have seen or     the  contrast  between  Law and
        at the hands of God’s creation.     heard of people who have been in    Spirit; and to expose His heart of
        But  one  mystery  has  always  excruciating agony during the ebb       compassion towards His children
        eluded me, what I had viewed as  and flow of this marker of seasons.    (yes, women included)  particularly
        the suffering of the menstrual flow,  Even hospitalized. Many to whom   in  the  story of the  woman who
        which, like  the  curse, came not  its  arrival,  myself  included,  has   had the issue of blood for twelve
        from man, but from God Himself.  been  a reminder of the  seeming       years (Luke 8). This woman, who
        Not   many  things  have  appeared  barrenness and unproductiveness     had  been  failed  by the  system,
        as pointless or even unjust to me,  and  therefore  failure  of what I   desperate and at the risk of death
        especially  since  coming to  know  saw as my kind. Its absence often   by stoning (as per the law) came
        the  Lord  some years  ago from a  causes  just  as  much misery  and   and touched just  the  fringes  of
        position  of not  acknowledging  pain as its presence.                  His mercy and power and received
        Him  or  even  wanting  to  know  Why, God? Why?  Why us? Why           healing  from  His  wings.  A  loving
        Him.  Imagine  my  dismay  when  I  this? Lord, why?                    Father watched over His daughter
        stumbled  upon Leviticus 15:19-                                         as she made her way through
        32  in  the  Bible  (which I was  not  But  God,  in  His  infinite  mercy   a  crowd of her  potential  killers
        familiar  with  having  been  an  revealed  just  a  touch  of  Himself,   towards  His  Son  and  gave  her
        atheist  for about 16  years by  enough  to make  me  understand        healing (Life), by her faith (meaning
        then).  I  didn’t  even  know how  that there had to be more to this    she  was  following  His  directive).
        to  talk  to  God  about  it,  I  felt  so  flow of blood than meets the eye.   See the picture of salvation there?
        betrayed. How I have cried to God,  Love  that  He  IS  and  God  too,  He   It showed me the sovereignty and
        “why put this thing in me and then  enticed  me with  the  mystery of   mercy of God, Who sent  virtue
        call it impure?” “why set me aside  what  menstruation  could mean,     forth from His Son, unbeknownst
        with  despise?”  “was  it  not  You  dropping  gleanings  for me  in  the   to  His  Beloved  Son  to  His  loving
        Who created  me? And  now that  field of Boaz (kinsman Redeemer)        daughter  who had  sought  only

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