Page 83 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 1
P. 83

        His will and loved her life not unto  Garden  of Eden, but as  God has  in hope, His hope was and remains
        death  (Rev 12).  Laws  destroyed,  continued  to equip me, I  have  His Son, born of a woman outside
        liberty of the Spirit revealed along  come  to understand  that  even  of the law that He Himself had put
        with the heart of a compassionate  the great deception of the Garden  in  place,  born  into corruption  in
        Father. So, then, it couldn’t just be  was deliberate  and  has  its  place  order  to bring  forth  incorruption
        that  women  were  dirty  and  filthy  and  purpose in  the  greater  plan  through death.
        because  of  the  flow,  could  it?  of God to redeem  mankind back
        There had to be something more.     to  Himself  (Romans  8,  Genesis  God matched His Son with a Bride
                                            3).  But  this  is  not  the  narrative  who, symbolized  by  woman  (a
        He had piqued my interest. It was  that the woman has been told, not  sword will  pierce your  soul also/
        evident  that  I  still  hungered  to  even  by  her  fellow  women.  Hers  you will share in the fellowship of
        learn more because His desire to  has been a tale of failure, rejection,  Christ’s  sufferings),  was trapped
        lure  me  deeper  into  the  fount  of  intimidation, humiliation and woe,  in  cycle  upon cycle  of futility
        His Life and away from the fount  back-breaking  labour and  toil,  (menstrual flow/not found having
        of my blood, kept me restless with  slavery and oppression, not the life  my own righteousness) not able to
        desire to unravel the full mystery  of a joint heir, made in the image  produce anything  but corruption,
        of  God, hidden  in  the  woman’s  of God. And it seems that God has  sin and death through their mortal
        uncleanness.                        coauthored her pathway to misery,  bodies  (fount  of blood)  until  the
                                            condemning her alongside all her  Day of Redemption would come
        God began to reveal some things  other accusers.                        through the Promised Son (saved
        that  helped  me  understand  that                                      in  child  bearing  +  Life  eternal).
        the   incessant    monthly   flow  The key to all this is understanding  If you like, therefore, menstrual
        also  represented  the  subjection  what is really going on. God sent  flows can be viewed as cycles of
        of creation  to futility  in hope  the most ‘subtile’/crafty of all His  blood  (death  and  futility)  leading
        (Romans  8:19-20). There  are  few  creatures  to tempt  the  woman,  to birthing of water and blood i.e.
        things  that  can  feel  more  futile  knowing full  well  that  not  only  the Christ’s suffering and death (it
        than a menstrual flow, particularly  would she  fall,  but  she  would  pleased  the  Lord  to  bruise  Him)
        on those  days  when you have  bring  her  husband  along  with  leading  to  Life  eternal.  A  match
        cramps,  nausea  and  you  either  her  and  create  the  perfect  set  of  made  in  Heaven.  Woman  in  her
        don’t have any protection or your  circumstances for that which was  death  flow  is  the  perfect  picture
        protection fails you, exposing you  in  His  heart  from  the  beginning.  of the  futility  of the  world  and
        at  a time when  perhaps  you are  You see, man was NEVER meant  its  systems,  redeemed  through
        far from a location where you can  to  find  righteousness  in  his  own  Christ’s  death  to gain  life and be
        get  help.  The sense  of isolation,  acts and ways (fount of blood), the  a light (Revelations  12  woman)
        shame,  indignity  and  the  feeling  true  sons  and  daughters  of God  to all  nations.  Portrayed  by
        abandonment and helplessness is  can only ever be the righteousness  women throughout the  Bible  and
        far greater in those moments than  of God in Christ Jesus. This is an  throughout time embracing death
        at times one can bear.              eternal  reality.  The  iniquity  that  (menstruation)  in  hope of the
                                            was found in Satan, found its way  Life  (saved  through childbirth)  of
        All of this is deliberate by God, and  to corrupt creation and there was  Christ.  It’s  beautiful.  The  perfect
        the  sooner all  men and women  never going to be a way for man  picture  of  futility  leading  to
        understand it, the sooner we can  to escape it or remain Godly apart  salvation.
        unveil the mysteries of true liberty  from Christ.  Christ  Jesus  was
        contained within the flow.          always the plan. The second Adam,
                                            who was  tempted  as  we were  in
        I  began  by saying  that  of all  of  all ways yet remained without sin,
        God’s creation,  none is more  who was  slain  from before  the
        suited to understand His pain and  foundation  of the  world,  yet  God
        plan  for creation  than  woman is.  had  charted  a  course throughout
        Not only because  of her rough  history  to  make  room  for  Him  to
        handling by society, at the hands  be  manifested  physically  for  His
        of men  and women alike, but  Holy Blood to answer unrighteous,
        more so because of her capacity  carnal blood that was found in the
        to understand and to yield to pain,  woman and transferred generation
        misery, filth and shame like Christ  upon generation  upon generation
        did on that cross. It is easy to see  down the line until the Christ could
        that womankind still carries upon  come.  It  was BEFORE  time  that
        itself  the  grief  and  shame  of the  God had subjected man to futility

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