Page 29 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 10
P. 29


          We talked to Dillys Mundrugo, the founder of Open Markets East Africa, Uganda,
          about a new platform, OpenEA, which provides Afrikans with the opportunity to
          scale up their business operations instantly and connect markets across the conti-

          nent in one simple solution. Please read on.
          Chioma Phillips

          Tell us a little bit about Dillys.  get to observe a lot of things on   tually woke us up. We tested a cou-
          My name is Dillys Mundrugo and I   the ground like situations where   ple of solutions over the years and
          grew up in Kenya, but I am Ugan-   businesses come to new malls then   we now settled on one that is easy to
          dan. Most of my career life I’ve   a year later they shut down. When   use and very nice for businesses.
          been in IT. I did a few IT courses   you check properly you find it
          but then after that I realized there   was actually a lack of clientele and   Please tell us about the solu-
          are a lot of things missing and I   businesses are paying high rents in a   tion that you settled on?
          like research, so on my normal days   nice mall but people are not buy-  We have two solutions current-
          you’ll find me testing things, re-  ing. I realized that the shortcut to   ly; one is for online stores, which
          searching solutions online on what   that would probably be embracing   means that you can have a site like
          I call Google University, and then   online business so that one can sell   eBay for your own company. If you
          once in a while I may sell the solu-  online and their websites becomes   have an IT backing it can take 20-30
          tion the next day. I like to see how   more than just a brochure. They can   minutes to set up and your shop is
          solutions can be applied because we   become management tools. I found   live. If you don’t have an IT back-
          really do need a lot of solutions for   that people don’t know where to   ground, with training it will take 1-1
          our business people locally. Many   start because they are not essentially   ½ hours. The platform is so easy
          people are not IT literate and they   IT people and there are so many   to use that anyone even without IT
          need someone who has already       solutions around that one can easily   knowledge should be able to create
          gone through the solution so that   get confused.                     and manage their online store even
          when it’s being implemented you                                       from a phone.
          bring them on board and are able to   Open Markets was born to try and   The second solution is a solution for
          explain it such that they do under-  help people migrate online as part   food vendors and hotels and restau-
          stand.                             of a strategy to reach more clients   rants to allow them to take orders
                                             in a very easy way. Initially, we had   and sell online or their customers to
          Tell us about Open Markets         envisioned an online community     make reservations. This is a system
          East Africa.                       connecting east Afrika so that one   which can be added to an existing
          Open Markets was initially concep-  doesn’t have to travel for meetings   website, if you have a website. If
          tualized because we realized a lot   and can showcase their products and   you don’t have a website we can
          of people don’t have the skills to   services. That vision is still there,   help you set one up.
          market. You find somebody is a pro-  but we realized that you can’t talk to   Both solutions can connect to
          fessional in what they are doing, like   people about the online community   Facebook and other social media
          you can be a cook, a chef and you’re   and they don’t even have the basics   websites so you can get your orders
          good in the kitchen but you have a   like websites, they don’t have online   from Facebook probably boosting
          little bit of a challenge with other   shops and they don’t know where to   your advert on Facebook many peo-
          skills. A business needs a full system,   start. So we had to retrace our steps,   ple get to see you and contact you
          not just a product, in order to run.   and research products and solutions   for the products you have to offer.
          At the end of the day the product   that can be easily implemented by
          and the vision can be very good but   anyone out there.               Let’s say I’m in Ethiopia, can I
          if you don’t have the marketing and   This year (2020) has been a bit inter-  use this solution for my business,
          PR in place and can’t connect all the   esting, because with the lockdowns   for my clients in Ethiopia and
          systems in a business then you have   of Corona people have discovered   outside?
          a very big problem.                that they need to work from home   Yes, it’s possible because it’s a global
          Having run businesses and being    and can’t be paying bills out there   solution. You can customize and
          self employed for some time you    when they’re not even supposed to   localize it to your language and what
                                             step out. That was the thing that ac-

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