Page 31 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 10
P. 31
visit their website because I know
on the website I’ll get information. We need to build or incor-
The conversation ends there for porate systems that allow
me, but then many of us don’t even us to grow without crash-
have websites as of now we can’t ing us in the process and
even compete with the global mar- the only thing that can
ket because we are not even in the happen is we need to take
league. At least let’s start by coming online solutions serious-
on board, embracing some of these ly. Our websites need to
solutions to help us to actually be stop being brochures
able to expand beyond our town and become management
or beyond our city. If I can supply
someone who is in the remote parts tools to help us grow and
of my country I am guaranteed to even manage our teams.
supply remote parts of Afrika and
beyond. Because it gives me some have a solution which even helps me we see fresh things, do sales, show-
experience and I grow from there.
to grow and gives me the freedom case the hot products for the week
to live life without crashing down and do your own Black Friday if you
What is the inspiration behind because the business went global, want to. It sets you free. The higher
creating this solution? What was I’ll be very happy. That’s what drives packages, for instance if it’s a super-
the thing in the heart that pushed me. You want to grow your business market taking the solution, allows
you in this direction? or your vision without it taking over for staff member accounts. So the
For me I think my pain point is I your life. boss has the main account but staff
happen to generate a lot of ideas, members can integrate onto the
randomly. But then with that when Without stress. system without accessing all the sec-
you start generating ideas you actu- tions. I think one thing we need to
ally understand the pain of having Yes. I tell people a company can be do is to actually encourage business
run from under a mango tree from a
no resources to implement those phone. And I think it’s possible with owners to get involved in their own
ideas, and for most businesses, lack businesses. Most people don’t even
of resources is a very big issue. So, time. It should be possible. know what’s happening in the back-
first of all you don’t have teams to ground. But with a solution like this
work with, secondly, you don’t have What will it cost me to have a you don’t have a choice. You have to
space on OpenEA?
money for the startup itself. We For the online shop solution it’s know where the money went, what
need to leverage as much as possible came in, what’s left in stock. It keeps
of what is available and being an IT about US$30 for the first premium you totally involved.
person, I think it’s only IT that gives bundle and that allows you 100 The possibilities, the scalability, the
you that flexibility of efficiency and products. You can connect to Face- flexibility and the ability to reduce
book, Instagram, which means that
all the other things without adding you can even sell on Facebook, Ins- operating costs for a business.
too much money to it. I’d like to see
businesses grow, not just start today tagram, Google and you have more Well done you guys. You’ve really
and die tomorrow because they options at the end of the day. So as done an amazing job. How is the
didn’t have resources. I’ve seen too a business owner if I don’t know IT, Ugandan market responding so
everything is already integrated in
many of those things and if I can
the system. far to Open Markets?
Each product can have 10-15 imag- The solution is still new. The idea
es. Many of us have shops with less actually came seven years ago but
than 100 products but at a monthly you know you can have a fresh idea
fee of about US$30 you’re sorted. and you don’t know how to do
The solution comes with an app it. Over time, we’ve tested, we’ve
which you can use from your phone changed things here and there and
to monitor your clients, orders, we’ve put some things on hold. I
deliveries, rearrange your shop from think some of the products shall
your phone if you want to so that be rolled out next year, because