Page 18 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 13
P. 18


          Africa, and over a third in Asia and   policies that favour seed and pesti-  implement its top-down industrial
          Latin America, a lot of it through   cide companies, such as patents on   farming agenda.
          local NGOs in these regions.9      seeds or regulations that allow for   One recent example is the 2021
                                             GMOs.                              “High-Level Dialogue on Feed-
          The Gates Foundation gives to                                         ing Africa” that was held on 29-
          scientists, not farmers            The Gates Foundation has given     30 April this year.12 This forum,
                                             AGRA a whopping US$638 million     funded by the Gates Foundation,
          As can be seen in Graph 2, the     since 2006, covering almost two    and organized by a number of
          single biggest recipient of grants   thirds of its overall budget. But   Gates Foundation grantees such
          from the Gates Foundation is the   AGRA’s results are underwhelming   as the African Development Bank,
          CGIAR- a consortium of 15 inter-   to say the least. In the countries   CGIAR and AGRA, was meant to
          national research centres launched   where AGRA is active, yields of   launch a policy and funding agenda
          in the 1960s and 70s to promote the   staple crops increased only 18%   to further push the Green Revolu-
          Green Revolution with new seeds,   over the past 12 years- far short of   tion into Africa. The event attracted
          fertilisers and chemical inputs. The   AGRA’s goal of doubling yields.   no less than 18 African heads of
          Gates Foundation has given CGIAR   Meanwhile, undernourishment (as    state and several other high-profile
          centres US$1.4 billion since 2003.   measured by the FAO) increased by   personalities. But, most remarkable
          Another priority for the Gates     30% in those countries.10          of all, is that of all the internation-
          Foundation in its funding is to                                       al organisations with activities in
          support research at universities and   Instead of acknowledging that their   Africa on the long speakers list of
          national research centres. Again, the   data shows a complete failure to   the dialogue, virtually all are Gates
          vast majority of the Gates’ grants go   achieve their objectives and chang-  grantees. The forum concluded with
          to universities and research centres   ing their approach accordingly, Bill   a commitment to double agricultural
          in North America and Europe. To-   and Melinda are doubling down. In   productivity, something AGRA and
          gether, all this research gets almost   early 2020 they launched their own   the Gates Foundation have been
          half (47%) of the Gates Founda-    new research institute called “Gates   promising and failing to deliver for
          tion’s funding.                    Ag One”. This enterprise claims to   the last decade and a half.
                                             speed up the development of new
          The Gates Foundation’s support     seeds and chemicals and get them to   Of course, AGRA itself is also
          for Green Revolution-style research   farmers in sub-Saharan Africa and   actively pushing the African policy
          extends beyond the scientists. One   South Asia more quickly.11 Where   agenda. AGRA is among the key
          of the most significant recipients   will the institute be based? Not in   conveners of the annual Africa
          of Gates Foundation funding is a   Ethiopia or Sri Lanka but in St.   Green Revolution Forum (AGRF)
          high-profile advocacy organisation   Louis, USA, home of Monsanto and   which calls itself the world’s premier
          called the Alliance for a Green    other GMO and pesticide giants.    forum for African agriculture and
          Revolution in Africa (AGRA). The                                      has been convening annual meetings
          Gates and Rockefeller Founda-      The Gates Foundation buys po-      for the past decade. Partners include
          tions launched AGRA in 2006 as a   litical influence                  some of the main global agrochem-
          “farmer-centered” and “African-led”                                   ical corporations, such as Bayer,
          institution. The reality is anything   In many subtle and not so subtle   Corteva and Yara, and of course the
          but. AGRA implements a top-down    ways the Gates Foundation grants   Gates Foundation itself. Unsurpris-
          Green Revolution agenda with the   are used to push policy makers to   ingly, its agenda is clearly oriented to
          main focus being to get new seeds
          and chemicals developed by Gates
          funded research centres and corpo-
          rations into the hands of African
          farmers. AGRA establishes, funds,
          coordinates and promotes networks
          of pesticide and seed companies
          and public agencies to sell and
          supply agriculture inputs to farmers
          across Africa. It also actively lobbies
          African governments to implement
                                                Gates at the 2006 World Economic Forum advising policy makers. Photo:
        18        |   we tell the true afrikan story  World Economic Forum; Peter Klaunzer- Flickr
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