Page 75 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 13
P. 75


          without any appreciation for planning and   carried an entry in the 1974 edition
          design.)                           that described the city as: “The largest
                                             earthworks in the world carried out prior
          We begin with Benin City.  At the   to the mechanical era.” – Excerpt from
          end of the 13th century, a Europe-  “The Invisible Empire”, PD Lawton,
          an traveler encountered the great   Source-YouTube, uploader-dogon-        Depiction of emperor Mansa Musa
          metropolis in West Africa (present   s2k12 `African Historical Ruins`
          Nigeria, Edo State), writing:                                         in the world?
                                             “Benin art of  the Middle Ages was of  the
          “The town seems to be very great. When   highest quality. An official of  the Berlin   Today, Timbuktu is 236 times small-
          you enter into it, you go into a great broad   Museum für Völkerkunde once stated   er than London. It has little to show
          street, not paved, which seems to be seven   that: “These works from Benin are equal   of a modern city. Its population is
          or eight times broader than the Warmoes   to the very finest examples of  European   two times less than 5 centuries ago,
          street in Amsterdam…The Kings palace   casting technique. Benvenuto Cellini could   impoverished with beggars and dirty
          is a collection of  buildings which occupy as   not have cast them better, nor could anyone   street sellers. The town itself is inca-
          much space as the town of  Harlem, and   else before or after him . . . Technically,   pable of conserving its past ruined
          which is enclosed with walls. There are nu-  these bronzes represent the very highest   monuments and archives.
          merous apartments for the Prince`s minis-  possible achievement.”     Back in the 14 century, the 3 richest
          ters and fine galleries, most of  which are as                        places on earth was China, Iran/
          big as those on the Exchange at Amster-  Sadly, in 1897, Benin City was   Irak, and the Mali empire in West
          dam. They are supported by wooden pillars   destroyed by British forces under   Africa. From all 3 the only one
          encased with copper, where their victories   Admiral Harry Rawson. The city   which was still independent and
          are depicted, and which are carefully kept   was looted, blown up and burnt to   prosperous was the Mali Empire.
          very clean. The town is composed of  thirty   the ground. A collection of the fa-  Eventually China and the whole of
          main streets, very straight and 120 feet   mous Benin Bronzes are now in the   the Middle East were conquered
          wide, apart from an infinity of  small   British Museum in London. Part of   by Genghis Kan Mongol troops
          intersecting streets. The houses are close to   the 700 stolen bronzes by the British   which ravaged, pillaged, and raped
          one another, arranged in good order. These   troops were sold back to Nigeria in   the places. The Mali empire lived on
          people are in no way inferior to the Dutch   1972.                    under the rule of the richest man
          as regards cleanliness; they wash and scrub                           ever in the history of humanity,
          their houses so well that they are polished   Here is another account of the great   Mansa Musa,  emperor of the 14th
          and shining like a looking glass.” (Source:   Benin City regarding the city walls   century Mali Empire which covered
          Walter Rodney, ‘How Europe Underde-  “They extend for some 16 000 kilometres   modern day Mali, Senegal, Gambia,
          veloped Africa, pg. 69)            in all, in a mosaic of  more than 500   and Guinea.
                                             interconnected settlement boundaries. They   At the time of his death in 1331,
                                             cover 6500 square kilometres and were   Mansa Musa was worth the equiv-
                                             all dug by the Edo people. In all, they are   alent of 400 billion dollars. At that
                                             four times longer than the Great Wall of    time Mali Empire was producing
                                             China, and consumed a hundred times   more than half the world’s supply
                                             more material than the Great Pyramid   of salt and gold.
                                             of  Cheops. They took an estimated 150
                                             million hours of  digging to construct, and   When Mansa Musa went on a
                                             are perhaps the largest single archaeolog-  pilgrimage to Mecca in 1324, he car-
    A view of Benin city in 1891 before the British conquest  ical phenomenon on the planet.” Source:   ried so much gold, and spent them
                                             Wikipedia, Architecture of  Africa.” Fred   so lavishly that the price of gold fell
          The mediaeval Nigerian city of     Pearce the New Scientist 11/09/99.  for ten years. 60 000 people accom-
          Benin was built to “a scale comparable                                panied him.
          with the Great Wall of  China”. There   Did you know that in the 14th   He founded the library of Tim-
          was a vast system of defensive     century the city of  Timbuktu      buktu, and the famous manuscripts
          walling totalling 10,000 miles in all.   in West Africa was five times   of Timbuktu which cover all areas
          Even before the full extent of the   bigger than the city of  Lon-    of world knowledge were written
          city walling had become apparent   don, and was the richest city      during his reign.
          the Guinness Book of Records                                          Witnesses of the greatness of the

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