Page 72 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 13
P. 72


          better. Progressively, the song for   before they send you to James Fort   Steve Bantu Biko, Oliver Reginald
          hoisting the flags must demonstrate   make sure your book is placed on   Tambo, Chris Hani, Robert Mangal-
          our unquenched thirst for freedom,   an education curriculum, and Africa   iso Sobukwe, Albert Lutuli, Victoria
          liberty, justice, work and unity. Again   shall speak of Freedom. I call you,   Nonyamelezo Mxenge, and Abram
          it must assure to quench our thirst   my father.                      Ramothibi Onkgopotse
          after singing it, though we need                                      Tiro in South Africa. Herbert Wilt-
          not to be satisfied by it. If there is   While I’m screaming, I dare to call   shire Pfumaindini Chitepo and his
          no enough rainy water to quench Sa-  you my father Mwalimu Julius Kam-  fellow Josiah Magama Tongogara in
          hara desert and that we call Kalahari   barage Nyerere from where you are.   Zimbabwe and many of your col-
          – we must first quench our thirst   My message is short and simple, I   leagues to accomplish the new era
          for freedom, liberty and justice! We   beg you to open your eyes and ears   of liberation all over Sub Saharan
          must, we must, and we must.        to see and hear the tears and voices   Africa.
          Hello y’all, this century must not   of sorrow from your Sub Saharan
          unreasonably vanish. Let us raise   countries where you marked the    Coming to the final analysis, the
          our voices to call our beloved friend   good beginning of all liberations.   beautiful words of our brother Mal-
          who enjoyed all his life in gunfire   I call you to bring back Samora   com X speak louder and possess the
          – our brother Solomon Kalushi      Moises Machel in Mozambique and    reality to address to us, as they say…
          Mahlangu and beg him to join again   his friend Eduardo Mondlane not   “Freedom is essential to life itself.
          Umkhonto we Sizwe, if not Mau      to sing again Patria Amada … Patria   Freedom is essential to the devel-
          Mau in Kenya, or any other Afri-   Amada…but to join Miriam Makeba    opment of the human being. If we
          can militant wing and fight against   and sing the activist song ALUTA   don’t have freedom we can never
          Nwera and the Dinka or Luos and    CONTINUA, and their message will   expect justice and equality. Only af-
          Kikuyu who propagates tribal wars   be short… “My brothers and sisters   ter we have freedom do justice and
          in Africa. Before he retires, let us   stand up and sing, Eduardo Mond-  equality become a reality”, without
          all call him to hear the drums of   lane is not gone, Frelimo, Frelimo,   grieving any further we have a great
          religious conflict heard in Somalia,   your eternal flame has shown us the   burden to terminate the existing
          Nigeria, Sudan, and Central Africa.   light down. Mozambique ALUTA    challenges, but with your help I call
          The fight must not stop there, it   CONTINUA, CONTINUA, CON-          you to turn it unto great opportu-
          must continue against              TINUA”.                            nities which will make the next five
          enemies of liberty, justice and unity,                                and more decades, centuries and
          because among us the seed that     I beg you, Mwalimu, send our greet-  centuries become the best days of
          encourages the divisive sentiments   ings to Herman Andimba Toivo ya   our remarkable history.
          grows very fast, and it breaks the   Toivo in Namibia that we want him   Honorable Chairperson, I take
          wing to embrace the freedom we     to repeat for us one of his favorite   this opportunity on your behalf to
          have won.                          stanza in “Namibia – Land of the   extend my profound gratitude to
          With all due respect, from the land   brave” which says “Beloved land   members of this assembly, to our
          of the upright man, I call you Noel   of Savannahs hold high the banner   beloved youths and elders who are
          Isidore Thomas Sankara to visit all   of liberty” and we will respond too   out there and to all African well
          the leaders of post-colonial African   so as our enemies could see our   wishers all over the World. I want
          countries and tell them all about the   independence score cards. I call you   to conclude my message using the
          tale of counterproductive assistance   Mwalimu to wake up my beloved   words from our very own African
          that kept us thinking we can only be   Sir Quett Ketumile Joni Masire in   proverb which says, “Every morn-
          beggars who need the continued aid.   Botswana and Antonio Agostinho   ing in Africa, a Gazelle wakes up. It
          I call you to hear their cries asking   Neto in Angola so as they can sing   knows it must run faster than the
          where imperialism is while im-     “Fatse leno la rona” and “Angola,   fastest lion or it will be killed. Every
          porting corn, rice or millet in their   Avante, Angola, Avante … Onwards   morning a Lion wakes up. It knows
          countries.                         Angola” correspondingly.           it must outrun the slowest Gazelle
          I faithfully call you Dr. Osagefyo   Before you go back to prepare your-  or it will starve to death. It doesn’t
          Nkwame Nkrumah to come again       self, you should know that the Sub   matter whether you are a Lion or a
          and accomplish that decade of      Saharan liberation was not complet-  Gazelle, when the sun comes up you
          African independence and irrigate   ed. Imperialism’s roots are shining   would better be running”
          the roots of United States of Africa   again! As a father of Sub Saharan   Ladies and Gentlemen may Al-
          before it shines tomorrow. And     revolution, your task is to bring back   mighty God bless you all.

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