Page 67 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 13
P. 67


          contained in it.
          When he said READY, STEADY,
          GO! Do you know what the chil-
          dren did? They all held each other’s
          hands, ran together towards the tree,
          divided the sweets equally among
          themselves, ate the sweets and en-
          joyed them.
          When the Anthropologist asked
          them why they did so, they answered
          “UBUNTU” Which meant to
          them, how can one be happy when
          the others are sad? Ubuntu is a
          Nguni word which means “I am be-   power, but there is hope in the rising   our educational structures, there
          cause we are” A powerful message   generation of youth who could and   also needs to be more Afrocen-
          for our generation.                should play a critical role in building   tric thinking. Education is the key
                                             Africa as a whole.                 to a brighter future in Africa and
          The moral of the story above is    The Bigger Picture will be the one   through Education we can build the
          that we Africans need each other   paying of the debt accumulated by   next generation of great African
          in order to prosper and change the   poor leaders, who do not have Afri-  leaders.
          narrative of our beloved continent   ca or their nations at heart, and only
          together, hand in hand. The Bigger   go running to the IMF, France, USA   In addition, for us to realize the
          Picture in the story is the fact that   and what have you.            ultimate African Dream of an Af-
          the children ran together to reach   Africa needs ambitious leadership,   rica beyond aid and in the spirit of
          their destination (goal) as one.   now more than ever, and that is why   UBUNTU, we the young people of
          We are in the 21st century and we   there needs to be an African Revolu-  Africa need to be a part of decision
          are still suffering from Imperial-  tion!                             making and it does not necessarily
          ism through Neo-colonialism. All                                      mean the political sphere, it can be
          Africans, especially the youth, need   The African Revolution         in our homes or even in our com-
          to embrace Ubuntu, because that    There have been some Revolutions   munities.
          is the only way forward. We want a   in Africa we can use as case studies.
          self-reliant Africa, feeding ourselves   For example, the Arab Spring in   Finally, the Neo-Colonialists have
          through agriculture, a single Pass-  North Africa in the early 2010’s.  no form of tactics, or any arsenal
          port, a single currency and much   Did the Arab Spring in Tunisia,    apart from the ancient divide and
          more.                              Libya, Egypt yield any positive re-  rule or should I say divide and
                                             sults? That is debatable, but to some   conquer? People believe that Africa
          Leadership                         extent it did show that the natives   cannot unite because we lack the
          Accountable leadership remains one   wanted a change in the narratives   three necessary ingredients for
          of the biggest challenges to devel-  of North Africa, in almost every   Unity, a common race, culture, and
          opment in Africa. Africa is young.   aspect be it Social, Political, Cultural,   language. We have more in common
          Why are its leaders so old?  This   Economic. We can say that is similar   than what divides us. The winds of
          is a question we should be asking   to many countries in Sub-Saharan   change must blow through every Af-
          ourselves every day. We know our   Africa. As we have seen in Nige-   rican and we can feel that already!!
          leaders are old and out of touch, be-  ria with the #ENDSARS protest   The salvation of Africa lies in our
          cause we see and feel the situations,   and currently in Ghana with the   hands, and we can achieve that only
          on our beloved continent. Africa has   #Fixthecountrynow movements,   through Unity.
          a leadership age-gap disconnect be-  social media plays a critical role in
          tween the leaders and the led. Most   shaping events in Africa.       Uniting is the best step to develop-
          African leaders are 55 years or older,   It is significant to note that these   ing our society. As the saying goes,
          with some as old as 75.            events are always spearheaded by the   two heads are better than one.
          However, African leaders have not   young populations of Africa.      Let Us Make Africa Great Again!
          always lived up to the expectations   For Africa to catch up with prog-
          by the people who put them in      ress, there needs to be focus on

           WWW.MSINGIAFRIKAMAGAZINE.COM                                         ISSUE 13 | JULY  2021         67
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