Page 71 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 13
P. 71


          The truth is, the divisive sentiments   es that were made by every Tom,   cans to end the conflicts alive in
          in our history will no longer be used   Dick, and Harry there after winning   Central, West, North, East and
          as a weapon or tactic to divide our   a war. My Imagination did not stand   Southern parts of Africa. Let peace
          African communities for it won’t   still there; after that successful com-  and love be shining on us and con-
          integrate our dignity into key lan-  position, the manuscript was given   sole the wounded bodies of our well
          guage of our ancestors that brought   to all African countries to be sung   trained patriotic soldiers.
          us where we are, that is unity and   using emotional musical sounds that   Looking neither West nor East, the
          brotherhood.                       beat to remind us of how Africa    musical sound takes me to Mo-
                                             was tormented and tortured without   zambique Patria Amada…Patria
          Honorable Chairperson, this con-   guilt, of how Africans then strug-  Amada…Patria Amada...Beloved
          tinent embraces and protects us as   gled, then ended by giving a right   Fatherland! The father of the
          children who come from the same    beginning and direction on how an   struggle invites you to hear the last
          womb, nurtured under the shadow    African could move forward with    longer memory of Africa and the
          of the same remarkable history,    a strong determination after a full   world, as it mourns and pleads, we
          and now we are becoming the same   independence declaration.          rename this continent by the name
          terrible tears and decayed destiny by   Exactly after independence ev-  of FREEDOM to allow the sun of
          which everyone may interrogate this   ery country in its own language   June to shine forever. Let’s all raise
          destination of ours. We’ve turned   had chosen the right flag-hoisting   our strong voices and call it THE
          to be a decayed destiny because the   prayers that summarize our con-  CONTINENT OF FREEDOM!
          third quarter of African population   dolences and express our wishes as   THE CONTINENT OF FREE-
          today fails to link the core founda-  well. The message carried within   DOM! Yes, THE CONTINENT
          tions and principles that guide the   remained as a fresh way of baptism   OF FREEDOM! And these most
          potentiality of the language spoken   that gave rebirth to the sons and   eloquent verses “nόs juramos por ti,
          by our ancestors.                  daughters of Africa, but also the   oh Mocambique…Nenhum tirano
                                             flags gave rise to the right and suc-  nos ira escravizar…” we swear for
          If not for our sluggishness, then   cessful direction of the new fight.   you, O Mozambique…No tyrant
          the absurd we built within is what   Yet the tragedy is where we are   will enslave us! Must remind us to
          propagates the individualism. If not   taking this endless fight now…!  raise our voices and tell all tyrant
          for the hatred of our enemies, then                                   Governments in Africa to stop
          it’s a hypocritical love and efforts   When the musical sound takes me   enslaving our people.
          between us that promote slavery    to Kenneth David Kaunda’s One
          again to unforgettable history we   Zambia One Nation, that beautiful   Again we must join the Southern
          passed through. Again, if not for   prayer demonstrates how people of   Rhodesia Ludwig Van Beethoven in
          the collective imbecilization of our   Zambia and Africa are supposed   “Rise O’ Voices of Rhodesia”. And
          leaders and politicians, then patrio-  to be. Frankly, it says, “Let us all   the task ahead would be the same,
          tism has declined and lost the values,   her people join together, brothers   raising our voices all over Africa in
          dignity, respect and unity among us.   under the sun…All one, strong and   quest of meeting all the challenges,
          Probably, these things divide us to   free…” and their cry is to have only   and dare to weigh it off with a guide
          speak in different tongues, which   one land and one nation that can   to wise decision where our hearts
          go contrary to the history of this   dignify the peace on the sky like a   will always beat bravely. Brothers
          terrific continent.                noble eagle on its flight. I then call   and sisters, I call sit, nomine, and
                   (Published with permission from the governor's office)
                                             you to be part of this congregation   digna to act upon this continent
          Ladies and gentlemen, the moment   and sing these beautiful prayers that   and nourish better arenas of our
          I listen to different African coun-  could wipe away our sorrowful tears.  struggle.
          tries national anthems I feel like all   Eloquently is with Nelson Rohlihlala   Sons and daughters of Africa, it
          the songs were composed by the     Madiba Mandela’s Nkosi Sikelel, the   is the right time to wave the flags
          same person who stood on top of    beautiful message “Morena boloka   of independence on top of Peace
          the mountain looking far miles away   setjhaba sa heso….O fedise dintwa   Mountain to call for unity. If not
          at the battle fields where African   le matshwenyeho…” must remain    Uhuru na Umoja of Tanzania,
          sons and daughters were fighting   the same and be understood as a    then Harambee suits the most. If
          to regain their independence. In an   call for protection to intervene and   not justice, work and progress of
          imaginary world. I see how that man   terminate all conflicts. With these   the western countries, then liberty
          documented the struggles and wish-  prayers I call you, my fellow Afri-  and unity of Sub Sahara deserves

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