Page 66 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 13
P. 66
Re- Education
By Aaron Kokodoko
ou might be wondering In simple terms, the Bigger Picture
what is the Bigger Pic- is the overall perspective of an issue.
ture that I am emphasiz- The is the viewpoint that provides
Ying about? Well, it will you with the most important facts
not even take two minutes for you about a situation and the effects of
to understand the direction I am that situation on other things. In
taking you towards. this article, we are going to dive in
MOTHER AFRICA, we the chil- on the Bigger Picture as I defined it Aaron Kokodoko
dren of Africa (Youth) and African earlier. is a 23 year old Pan Africanist who is pas-
descendants are The Bigger Picture
that we need to see. The African Dream sionate about the development of Africa and
Much is written about Africa today, Have you ever sat down and won- changing the negative narrative of Africa.
and most of it is not positive. On dered what is the African Dream? He believes Unity is the key and that is why
a daily basis we hear stories of dis- I will tell you the answer from my
ease, despair, hunger, poverty, lack perspective: it is UBUNTU! he always say UBUNTU -
of potable drinking water, security The meaning of Ubuntu is captured I am, because you are.
threats, no quality education, poor in a very nice story from Africa
roads, failing health systems and that you may or may not be familiar a tree and made the children stand
the list goes on and on. But there with. It is said that an anthropologist 100 metres away. Then he an-
are also stories of hope, promise, proposed a game to African children nounced that whoever reached the
potential, success stories, as well as in a community somewhere. basket first would get all the sweets
the feeling of freedom. He placed a basket of sweets near
66 | we tell the true afrikan story