Page 65 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 13
P. 65
We must train our kids about money from social media? Not at as though Afrikans were unable to
Afrikanism all. It’s mostly legal money. Another make their own decisions for them-
The concept of Afrikanism or question is, are our young people selves.
Africanism is not in any way saying aware that social media platforms,
that nothing or no one else exists even with all the “good” that they So, the feeling of loss and lack of
outside of the Afrikan people or can be used for, are also tools for direction that the youth have right
that whatever is not Afrikan should manipulation of data to create and now is perfectly understandable,
not be looked at in good light. Not push narratives that are undermin- because it afflicts not just them but
at all. It’s not even a concept that ing of the Afrikan people? Moreso, entire generations of Afrikans who
tries to put Afrika first. It’s more of how many of these platforms do have been subject to blind and grop-
a concept that says that as an Afri- we own as Afrikans? How many of ing leadership from a fearful ruling
kan, there are cultural realities that these platforms do we have direct class that seeks to entreaty those
drive how we live and relate with control over? Are we using these whose wine and food they cannot
ourselves and the world. It’s like platforms to create a new narrative do without because of their rotten
how Arvie Ngalangala puts it in his for the Afrikan people or are we just compromise. And because they lit-
article about the true culture of the dancing to the tunes of those who erally have no clue how to function
Afrikan, which he calls the culture want to keep us as slaves because without them - a sad and tragic truth
of the Light of God the Father. It’s they pay the piper? that they refuse to face.
about the beauty that emanates from
the heart that is steeped in the cul- It is evident that Afrikan govern- But the youth can and must do
tural reality of the Afrikan Ubuntu ments and leaders have neglected better than their forbears. They
which says “I am because you are”. the youth in Afrika and not only have to challenge themselves to go
This Afrikan way of life is definitely neglected them but actually pushed beyond the limited thinking and
what the Imperial West, with their them out of the way in order to re- vision of those leaders who chose
capitalism and individualism, cannot tain jobs and power that they prom- to fatten and enrich themselves on
understand nor will they ever allow ised were the preserve of the youth. the oppression of the colonizers. It
to thrive. Why? It will instantly But, in doing so, what they did was is the distinct and obvious desire of
put a halt to the stealing, pillaging create a generation of people who the imperialists to create in Afrika a
and control of the Afrikan natural know they have been rejected by majority generation of young people
resources. In other words, keep the the system that is meant to look out who are completely enamored with
Afrikan youths busy with social for them, counsel them and groom the modern ‘mirror and cloth’ of
media gains of money and fame, them as responsible citizens to be social media and what the West has
make them undermine the Afrikan able to create a whole new narrative to offer, to the extent that in mind-
narrative through the concept of co- for Afrika’s future. We all know that set - if not appearance - they have a
loniality which makes them see what Afrikan governments and leaders new breed and generation of slaves
is foreign as superior and what is have done this because they do not who will do their bidding no matter
Afrikan as inferior and you will have have a plan for their countries as the cost to the minority of free
an army of young Afrikans who are a whole, for their citizens, and in thinkers or the generations to come.
ready to sell their father’s graves to particular, for the next generation of
partake of western delicacies, even Afrikans who are meant to step up So, to the young people, I say, do
at the expense of the Afrikan future. and take responsibility for leading not go willingly under the hypnotic
Afrika into the future. We know this spell that they have woven for gen-
Save our youths because we have seen their failure erations. Be the ones who see it for
We definitely need to re-orientate in every sector in Afrika for over 60 what it is and fight with everything
our young people about the need to years and we have seen the selfish that you can to resist their witchcraft
live uprightly and justly. We cannot and greedy choices that they have and sorcery. Because, if you don’t,
have nor can we bear the present made and we have seen them drink Afrika will be totally erased in mind-
and future devastating effects of a from the table of the Whores of the set, even though the physical space
generation of young people who are IMF, the World Bank, the IFC, the will remain. Always remember this:
only controlled and moved around UN, the WHO and the rest of the they are after your mind and heart.
by money, its acquisition and lavish Imperialist West, taking their policy Don’t give it to them!
spending on frivolities that amounts choices and strategic directions
to nothing. Am I against making verbatim to implement in Afrika