Page 63 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 13
P. 63


                                             culture, arts, tradition, family life,   who you are”. True men are known
          Colonialism versus Coloniality     creativity, creation of knowledge   for their hearts and not their friends.
          I look around me at the various    and its storage etc., of a people;
          things going on in our beautiful   making the supposed free and       Right now, as you may or may
          Afrika; how the tag third-world,   independent people see themselves   not agree, there is a deadly tool
          poorest continent, backward people   only from the eyes of their former   of imperialism, colonialism and
          etc., is still the tag and identity at-  colonial masters and by that, they   colonialist agenda in the hands of
          tached to the Afrikan people even in   are kept in mental slavery.    our young Afrikan people, which
          the midst of so much wealth. And                                      has taken over an entire generation
          it breaks my heart to know that,   Maldonado-Torres puts the dif-     of our so-called future leaders.
          even though we could have done     ference between coloniality and    That tool is, SOCIAL MEDIA. It
          better, we just don’t - irrespective   colonialism in this way:       has clearly become the most active
          of whatever reasons we may give    Coloniality is different from colonialism.   tool for identity creation, mis-cre-
          as individuals or as a people. The   Colonialism denotes a political and eco-  ation, manipulation, propaganda
          situation also brings one to a basic   nomic relation in which the sovereignty of    and distribution of the same, to
          question, that is, is colonialism and   a nation or a people rests on the power of    the extent that whatever the agenda
          imperialism still here with us? The   another nation, which makes such nation   of the imperialists in Afrika is, it
          answer is, absolutely they are, except   an empire. Coloniality, instead, refers   can be distributed without much
          that they are using a more covert   to long-standing patterns of  power that   hassle by the friendly hands of our
          system of enticement and attrac-   emerged as a result of  colonialism, but   young people, either knowingly or
          tion to the table of greed and fame,   that define culture, labor, intersubjective   unknowingly. And come to know
          first with some of our compro-     relations, and knowledge production well   that the most profitable venture
          mising leaders, and now with our   beyond the strict limits of  colonial admin-  right now in a pandemic season is
          young Afrikans. Meaning that while   istrations. Thus, coloniality survives colo-  the sector of content creation, our
          the pre-colonial Imperialist West   nialism. It is maintained alive in books,   youths are not leaving any stones
          penetrated Afrika using the Berlin   in the criteria for academic performance,   unturned in the quest for the ‘green
          conference’s DIVIDE AND CON-       in cultural patterns, in common sense, in   pastures’ found in their devices
          QUER technique, the post-colonial   the self-image of  peoples, in aspirations   irrespective of what it is costing the
          Imperialist West are now using the   of  self, and so many other aspects of  our   Afrikan community and how it’s
          UNITE AND CONQUER tech-            modern experience. In a way, as modern   putting hindrances in the quest for
          nique to bring those who are already   subjects we breathe coloniality all the time   true revolution that can engineer
          compromised in their hearts to     and every day.                     real emancipation. There has never
          their table of greed and by that they                                 been a generation in Afrika that is
          become puppets in the hands of     The danger of  young Afrikans      more gullible to the machinations
          the imperialists. They are very much   with compromised hearts        of the imperialist, than the one we
          aware that once an Afrikan leader   There is an old saying that says   have right now. And it’s not because
          is caught pants down eating from   “show me your friends and I will   they are ignorant or uneducated, but
          that table, in form of debts and   show you who you are”. It appears   because they are knowledgeable and
          the other personal gains they make   correct that a person can be known   educated in the modern day tech-
          from the imperialists, their people   by the kind of friends they keep   nology, tainted by a twisted ideology
          and the natural resources back home   until you encounter just how easy it   about what it means to be Afrikan
          become the sacrificial lambs that   is for friends to betray the very trust   coupled with hearts that are open to
          keep the wheel of global domina-   found in their friendships, for the   do to anything to make money. It’s
          tion going. This is the worst part of   sake of personal gains and desires.   like having the power of technol-
          the entire narrative of imperialism   That’s when you will know that two   ogy in the hands of young people
          and colonialism in Afrika, because   people are friends does not neces-  without clear cut goals and visions
          it makes a fool of the intelligence   sarily mean they have the same pri-  for the emancipation of Afrika, so,
          of the Afrikan people, by simply   orities and ideology and thus “you   every time the imperialist companies
          exchanging colonialism (the act of   cannot accurately tell who a person   and corporations come knocking at
          physically putting a sovereign people   is by just looking at their friend or   their doors, they easily open. So, we
          under another country’s power) for   friends”. Instead, I would prefer to   have a large collection of young and
          coloniality, which is about covertly   say “show me your heart and the   learned Afrikans with no antecedent
          infusing systemic colonialism in the   desires in it, then I will show you   of where we are coming from as Af-

           WWW.MSINGIAFRIKAMAGAZINE.COM                                         ISSUE 13 | JULY  2021         63
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