Page 58 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 13
P. 58


          but was later imprisoned. Efforts to

          free him led to the 1983 coup d’état,
          in which he became president. San-
          kara  renamed the  country  Burkina
          Faso  and  launched  an  ambitious
          socioeconomic  programme which

          included  a nationwide literacy cam-
          paign,  land  redistribution  to  peas-
          ants,  railway  and road  construction
          and the outlawing of female genital       Burkina Faso opposition supporters protest in Ouagadougou on Oct.
          mutilation, forced marriages and po-     28, 2014 against plans to let the long-serving president extend his rule
          lygamy. Sankara was overthrown and            beyond 30 years.(ISSOUF SANOGO/AFP/Getty Images)
          killed in the 1987 coup d’état led by
          Blaise Compaoré – deteriorating re-  someone  else,  he  stops  to  live  out   things they did and still do in order

          lations with former coloniser France   truth  and  thereby  must  suffer  for   to steal your identity and natural re-
          and its ally the Ivory Coast were the   living out lies. There is boldness of   sources. But in all of this, you are still
                                             speech and strength of character that   the  one who is  counted  righteous,
          reason given for the coup. (Source:
                                             comes with originality and a connec-  blessed and loved because your des-

          Burkina_Faso)                      tion to ones true identity.        tiny  demands such uprightness  and
                                             We definitely live in an age watered   blessedness.  I  bless  you  from  my

          Righteousness exalts a nation but   down  by  falsehood,  false  identity,   heart and  I open the  door  of the
          sin is a reproach to that nation.   pseudo-lifestyles  that only under-  blessing  that  your  father  Thomas
                                             mines  truth and integrity. But  this   Sankara gave to you. You are blessed
          We have seen  for  many years the
          many trials and the pain of the peo-  does not have to continue to be, for   beyond  reproach.  Justice  shall  ones
          ple of Burkina Faso in the hands of   when  a  people  begin  to  know  and   again  prevail in your  corridors  of
          the  leaders  that  came  through ei-  also see that the path they had been   power. For right in the midst of you
                                             on is not where they should be on,   shall rise  forth those  who will  take
          ther coups or any other means. But
                                             then there needs to be a change of   on  the  torch  of  liberty,  vision,  up-
          the question is, could it be that the
          people of Burkina Faso have walked   route and a new path set.        rightness and by the workings of the
          away from the truth of their identity                                 good Lord, they will lead your nation
          as a land of upright people like their   Prayer for Burkina Faso      again in the path of uprightness.
                                             Beloved people of Burkina Faso,  a
          “father”  Thomas Sankara  named
                                             people  so  graciously  blessed  and   Peace!
          them, just like all Afrikans are suffer-
          ing  because  they  have  walked  away   raised beyond reproach, your destiny
          from the  original  identity  found in   and purpose is beyond the “slavery”,   Note:
          their original name Alkebulan which   pain,  poverty  that  has  been  attrib-  We did a video recently on Thomas
                                             uted  to  you  by  those  whose  souls   Sankara  on  our  YouTube  channel.
          means Mother of the Earth and their
                                             have been darkened. They subjected   You can watch from the link below:
          current  name Afrika which means
          Womb of Soul? It could as well be.   a large part of your independent days
          For when a person loses his original   to torture, humiliation, fear, violence     watch?v=f9kfmLDLyZU&t=395s
          identity and takes up the identity of   through coups  and the  many other

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