Page 57 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 13
P. 57
slavery of both body, mind and spirit.
To be set free from wrong influences
To be upright means more than but guided by love, truth and justice.
to be righteous or free from evil, This is the reality of Burkina Faso.
but to be exalted beyond re-
proach, beyond slavery of both Afrika and Afrikan nations have lived
body, mind and spirit. To be set far too long below expectation and
free from wrong influences but productivity due mostly to foreign
guided by love, truth and justice. influences, lies and internal sabo-
This is the reality of Burkina tage by those puppets whose false
Faso. “freedom” and fame are engineered
by their foreign puppeteers. Selfish
and family-empire-centred individu-
als they all are, but this will change
if well articulated and giving strength Thomas Sankara and what he stood both for Burkina Faso and the entire
to manifest accurately. Many may for and which he expressed in his re- Afrikan space.
not want to attribute the reality of a naming the nation from Upper Volta
“founding father” to Thomas San- to Burkina Faso the land of Upright
Some facts about Burkina Faso
kara, since he really was not the first Poeple, though blanketed by those The Republic of Upper Volta was
President of Burkina Faso at inde- foreign powers that want nothing established on 11 December 1958
pendence, but what else should you good for Afrika in cohorts with the as a self-governing colony within the
call a man who renamed a nation and Afrikan puppets in their payroll, will
French Community and on 5 August
reminded her of her destiny which is still manifest at a time as this. For the
1960 it gained full independence
found in the name he gave? A father spirit of judgement (separation and with Maurice Yaméogo as President.
of course. What else should you call re-direction) at the gate of power will After protests by students and la-
a man who became the first and only be unleashed on Burkina Faso from bour union members, Yaméogo was
president in the world to write the the Lord to separate and redirect her
deposed in the 1966 coup d’état, led
national anthem of his nation? Noth- back to her true place as the people
by Sangoulé Lamizana, who became
ing less than a father. For the identity of freedom, conscience and upright- president. His rule coincided with
of a child, a person or a people really ness. The life and the upright ideals the Sahel drought and famine, and
comes from the name given by the of the beloved President Thomas facing problems from the country’s
father in harmony with the mean- Sankara and for which he was brutal-
trade unions he was deposed in the
ing of the womb of the mother who ly assassinated, will speak, even from
1980 coup d’état, led by Saye Zerbo.
made birthing possible. So Burkina now. For the voice of a righteous Encountering resistance from trade
Faso is truly blessed to be so named man though he be dead in the flesh unions again, Zerbo’s government
as a people of uprightness by their still speaks on the earth as spirit. was overthrown in the 1982 coup
father (Thomas Sankara) and birthed d’état, led by Jean-Baptiste Ouédrao-
by Afrika’s womb who is the mother The identity of the Burkinabes
of the land of life. To be upright means more than to The leader of the leftist faction of
be righteous or free from evil, but to Ouédraogo’s government, Thomas
The reality of the founding father be exalted beyond reproach, beyond
Sankara, was made Prime Minister