Page 64 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 13
P. 64


          rikans, no clear cut vision for Afrika,   mis-information?            another mole in the globalist payroll
          which they can use their skills for                                   to steal from Afrika all over again.
          and thus, they are easy targets by the   Why is it important to take a critical   And mind you, I am not saying that
          global imperialists to create an army   look at this trend going on among   all Afrikan youths that are into social
          of tech savvy young Afrikans, who   our youths? First, to not to look at   media content creation do it from
          are complicit in destroying their own   it now is to sentence the future of   the place of compromise or for
          people.                            Afrika to some unavoidable destruc-  money, I am just saying that most of
                                             tion. Because, if what drives the   the thoughts behind their creativity
          Take for instance, we had an issue   content creation of Afrikan youths   are rooted in wanting to make mon-
          with YouTube a while back in which   is making money and the other    ey. Would you blame them? Not re-
          one of the videos we shared on     things that come with it like fame,   ally. Especially in this age where the
          our channel was considered to go   popularity, subscriptions, likes etc.,   rate of unemployment is skyrock-
          against the YouTube community      then where will the future leaders   eting. Social media content creation
          guidelines, so it was taken down just   who will uphold the true uncompro-  simply made a “legal and clean way”
          as we uploaded it. What they considered   mised Afrikan narrative and ideals   for them to be engaged, making a
          against their community guidelines was   come from?                   living while at it. However, the dan-
          actually that we posted an Afrikan remedy   Secondly, if it is true that he who   ger of making legal money through
          for Covid-19. Think about this.    pays the piper dictates the tune of   social media, while consciously or
                                             the music, do we not already have   unconsciously aligned with a global
          We shared the experience with a    a problem on our hands, since the   covert SOCIAL MEDIA IMPERI-
          friend who is in charge of a much   “tunes of the Afrikan music” are   ALIST AGENDA is what we have
          bigger YouTube channel and his     already beeing dictated by those who   to watch out for. The false pandem-
          response was very telling of how   paid for it? And does that not show   ic has shown a lot of things that
          much this generation of young      you how difficult it will be to make   had been going on underground,
          Afrikans have been compromised     a revolutionary move against the im-  especially with the social media plat-
          due to the quest for money. He     perialist agendas of foreign powers   forms. For if you ask yourself why
          told us in an I-really-don’t-care way   in Afrika? Does it not show that the   social media, which was supposed to
          that if we want to make money out   wealth of Afrika will continue to be   be a place where people get accurate
          of our YouTube channel, we must    pillaged by foreign powers, espe-  information and daily help when
          follow their rules or be taken down   cially now that there is a common   needed, suddenly become like a po-
          if it’s revolution we want to create.   trend in which young Afrikans build   licing agency for global domination
          In other words, he was saying, you   software and new technologies,   agendas, you will see and then know
          cannot go against the rules set down   but go ahead to sell them to rich   why it is dangerous for our youths
          by the tools of the imperialists if   tech companies in the many silicon   not to understand the tools in their
          you want to make money from them   valleys of this world? Is that not the   hands.
          and also that the reason why his   future of Afrika that is being sold   Meaning that, young people, espe-
          own channel will never upload vid-  for immediate gratification?      cially the ones with a big following
          eos that go against the imperialist’s   We all know that when such tech-  on social media, no longer even
          ideas is because they don’t want the   nologies are sold for, let’s say   understand what it means to have
          flow of YouTube money to stop. I   1million dollars, in two years’ time,   a revolutionary mind, talk less of
          am talking about a channel that has   that same software in the hands   using their platforms to correct the
          almost a million subscribers. If you   of the new owners will likely be   many ills and evils in our society.
          are a content creator reading this ar-  generating millions upon millions,   Just because they want to make
          ticle, I am pretty sure you are aware   if not billions of dollars. Not to talk   money. It’s even more interesting
          of the strict censorship of content   of the brain drain that is also going   that it’s these same young Afrikans
          going on in some of the most popu-  on right now. A situation where the   that like to call Afrika backward. But
          lar social media platforms. But have   brightest and most promising of   it’s hypocritical at best because you
          you asked yourself why that is? Or   Afrikan youths are given scholar-  cannot hold in your right hand the
          are you naive to think and believe it’s   ships to go study abroad or innova-  chicken and chips of the imperialist,
          because they care about  mis-infor-  tors or sportsmen and women are   while pointing the left hand of ac-
          mation? Or do you maybe know the   given jobs overseas. You know what   cusation to the globalist for making
          truth, that they are actually censor-  happens. They don’t return to Afrika   Afrika poor or backward.
          ing true information while pushing   and when they do, they just become

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