Page 77 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 13
P. 77


                                             “A Moorish nobleman who lived in Spain   the most minute detail; powerful
                                             by the name of  Al-Bakri questioned   rulers, flourishing industries-civilised
                                             merchants who visited the Ghana Empire   to the marrow of their bones. And
                                             in the 11th century and wrote this about   the condition of the countries of
                                             the king: “He sits in audience or to hear   the eastern coast-mozambique, for
                                             grievances against officials in a domed   example-was quite the same.”
   The beautiful city of Kumasi was blown up, destroyed   pavilion around which stand ten horses   Another example is the Kingdom of
   by fire, and looted by the British at the end of the 19th   covered with gold-embroidered materials.   Congo in the 15th Century was the
                                             Behind the king stand ten pages holding   epitome of political organization.
                                             shields and swords decorated with gold, and   It “was a flourishing state in the 15th
          sword bearing the inscription From   on his right are the sons of  the kings of    century. It was situated in the region of
          Queen Victoria to the King of      his country wearing splendid garments and   Northern Angola and West Kongo. Its
          Ashantee. A copy of the Times,     their hair plaited with gold. The governor   population was conservatively estimated
          17 October 1843. With these were   of  the city sits on the ground before the   at 2 or 3 million people. The country was
          many specimens of Moorish and      king and around him are ministers seated   fivided into 6 administrative provinces and
          Ashanti handicraft.” – Robin Walter  likewise. At the door of  the pavilion are   a number of  dependancies. The provinces
                                             dogs of  excellent pedigree that hardly ever   were Mbamba, Mbata, Mpangu, Mpem-
          In 1331, Ibn Battouta, described   leave the place where the king is, guarding   ba, Nsundi, and Soyo. The dependancies
          the Tanzanian city of Kilwa, of the   him. Around their necks they wear collars   included Matari, Wamdo, Wembo and
          Zanj, Swahili speaking people, as   of  gold and silver studded with a number   the province of  Mbundu. All in turn
          follows ” one of  the most beautiful and   of  balls of  the same metals.” – http://  were subject to the authority of  The Mani
          well-constructed cities in the world, the  Kongo (King). The capital of  the coun-
          whole of  it is elegantly built”. The ruins   pire#Government – the source of  the   try(Mbanza Kongo), was in the Mpemba
          are complete with `gothic` arches and   quote is given on wikipedia as p.80 of    province. From the province of  Mbamba,
          intricate stonework, examples of  exquisite   Corpus of  Early Arabic Sources for West   the military stronghold. It was possible
          architecture. Kilwa dates back to the 9th   Africa by Nehemia Levtzion and John   to put 400,000 in the field.” – Excerpt
          century and was at its peak in the 13th   F.P. Hopkins)               from “The Invisible Empire” by PD
          and 14th centuries. This international                                Lawton
          African port minted its own currency in
          the 11th -14th centuries. Remains of
          artefacts link it to Spain, China, Arabia
          and India. The inhabitants, architects and
          founders of  this city were not Arabs and
          the only influence the Europeans had in the
          form of  the Portuguese was to mark the
          start of  decline, most likely through small-  Here is a depiction of the Ghana Empire.
          pox and influenza.” – Source: UNES-                                            Depiction of old Congo
          CO World Heritage Centre, excerpt from   In 15th when the Portuguese, the
          “The Invisible Empire” byPD Lawton  first Europeans to sail the Atlantic   Until the end of 16 century, Africa
                                             coasts of Africa “arrived in the   was far more advanced than Europe
                                             coast of Guinea and landed at Vaida   in term of political organization,
                                             in West Africa, the captains were   science, technology, culture. That
                                             astonished to find streets well laid   prosperity continued, despite the
                                             out, bordered on either side for   European slavery ravages, till the
                                             several leagues by two rows of trees,   17th and 18th century.
                                             for days they travelled through a
                                             country of magnificent fields, inhab-  The continent was crowded with

     Tanzanian city of Kilwa, of the Zanj, Swahili speaking   ited by men clad in richly coloured   tens of great and prosperous cities,
     people.                                 garments of their own weaving!     empires and kingdoms with King
                                             Further south in the Kingdom of    Askia Toure of Songhay, King
          In 1505 Portuguese forces destroyed   the Kongo(sic), a swarming crowd   Behanzin Hossu Bowelle of Benin,
          and burned down the Swahili cities   dressed in fine silks’ and velvet;   Emperor Menelik of Ethiopia, King
          of Kilwa and Mombasa.              great states well ordered, down to   Shaka ka Sezangakhona of South

           WWW.MSINGIAFRIKAMAGAZINE.COM                                         ISSUE 13 | JULY  2021        77
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