Page 81 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 13
P. 81


                                                                                has not been through natural elements but
                                                                                deliberate acts, most notably of  the British
                                                                                Empire. The museums of  Britain and
                                                                                Europe are full of  the results of` pillage
                                                                                and plunder`. There are numerous ancient
                                                                                structures that are in a state of  good pres-
                                                                                ervation but in the case of  many of  Af-
                                                                                rica`s cities, palaces, temples and trading
                                                                                ports of  old we are left with nothing other
                                                                                than the written reports and drawings of
                                                                                traders and travellers from medieval times
                                                                                to the final days of  complete destruction
                                                                                in the late 1800s.In terms of  beauty and
          African people.                    and leadership for the last 3 centu-  even on occasion scale the architecture of
          From that moment till now, most    ries which has plunged the whole   Egypt`s pyramids pale in comparison to
          Europeans still think Africans are   continent into a dark age, its people   other African historical structures. The
          savages, inferior, grotesque, unintel-  left without guidance.        diversity of  architecture from this continent
          ligent people. They more an african   Our fearless warriors and civilization   is staggering. The use traditionally of
          would display features that would   builders are gone. Our global trad-  what is termed fractal scaling in building
          fit that stigma, the more he or she   ers, pyramid, Kingdom and Empire   highlights a religious tradition practiced
          would be liked by them.            builders are extinct.              throughout the continent. Fractal scaling
                                             Unsurprisingly none of these       is the `Mandelbrot` idea of  architecture
          Sadly, little is left of our ancestors.   generations have being nurtured in   where the smallest parts of  a structure
          When Europeans invaded Africa      creating empire, and waging wars,   resemble the largest parts. This cultural/
          they applied the 4 basic principles   defending their territory, protecting   religious tradition was/is practised in all
          of any occupant forces:            their children and women.          aspects of  life from weaving, to grinding
          1. First, Kill the strong and loot the place  Reason why we don’t have anymore   cereals to the building of  homes and pal-
          2. Second, Breed the weak          the modern version of the fearless   aces and is the incorporation of  `history`
          3. Third, Kill, Deport or Exile the smart-  African Warriors and Civilization   and explanation of  the Universe and our
          est and the skilled ones           builders.                          place within it, into everyday lives, lest
          4. Fourth, Impose the golden colonial rule   When some people ask why are they   we forget.” – “Africa Before The 20Th
          “My way or the Highway”.           so poor, we answer they are not    Century” in “Invisible Empire”.
                                             poor, they have been made poor.
          The Kings and their descendants                                       We need to invest time and resourc-
          were all killed. Additionally, 3 centu-  Today, if you want to see the glory   es to unearth ourselves the ruins of
          ries of transatlantic slavery exported   of Africa, you have to go to Europe,   our old cities to strengthen the faith
          over 12 millions of the finest men   where thousands and thousands    of a young generation in our ability
          and women from Africa to America,   of stolen arts objects, civilization   to rebound.
          tens of millions have died in the   artifacts are in public museums and   It’s time we revive in the mind of a
          process.                           private collection (in UK, France,   new generation of Africans the true
                                             Germany, Belgium, Germany, etc.).   nature of their ancestors, the past
          Imagine what would happen to any   If you want to see the wealth of   glory of their empires, the pride of
          country or civilization when almost   Africa, you have also to go to Eu-  its warriors, conquerors and civiliza-
          all writers, storytellers, engineers,   rope where they are stored in private   tion builders, and clearly make them
          craftsmen, artists, leaders are killed   and public accounts. 5 centuries of   understand that the 5 “Centuries of
          or exiled? And, Any sign of heir   plundering and destruction brought   Shame” under European occupation
          past glory and ingenuity destroyed   the continent to its knees.      shall end with a new generation of
          or burned? Their books and records                                    Leaders and Builders!
          of knowledge stolen or destroyed.  As PD Lawton put it “From Egypt to
          Who will transmit the century accu-  the Sudan, from Mali to Tanzania, from
          mulated knowledge to the ordinary   Zimbabwe to Mozambique, Africa is
          men and women?                     full of  the testimony to her past. In many
          It’s that broken link to knowledge   cases the complete destruction of  structures

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