Page 85 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 13
P. 85

Innovate Afrika

          number is now 253 GW. Texas has
          an operational wind energy system.
          With some flaws. India via ReNew
          Power is pushing into the gigawatts
          of installed solar power, but the
          country already has 39.083 GW.
          What has this intense drive for in-
          crease in power generation capacity
          done to China, over the past 30
          years, an economy that has grown:
          with the exception of the COVD-       Investors are necessary for
          19 situation that resulted in a dip to   infrastructural development and   The Whole Story
          (-6.78%), www.tradingeconomics.       sustainability, therefore the au-  Nigeria has, a lot of resources. An
          com records 18.3% in Q1 2021, and     thor noted that an atmosphere   argument can be successfully made
          that -6.78% was adjusted to actual    of security, both of investments   for that being one of the main rea-
          of 3.2%. Prior to March 2020, the     and personnel, must be fostered   sons for the orchestrated destabiliza-
          growth rate hovered between 6%        by the government for the ap-   tion in the country, and subsequent-
          and 15%, i.e. always growing. Makes   propriate investors.            ly the Sub-Saharan region. Because
          you think a country such as Nige-  3.  Legislative Arms and the Judi-  that region in fact is the richest re-
          ria with many resources should be     ciary. Energy security is crucial   gion in the world, and it is politically
          stratospherically ahead.
                                                and hence calls on the arm of   cheaper to extract resources from a
                                                the government responsible      place that is politically unstable.
          Nigeria is exposed to the following   for implementing appropriate    Dr. Igbokoyi accurately provided in
          sources of energy that should be      energy security regulations and   the paper the trajectory Nigeria is
          strategically utilized:               policies to provide the necessary   on and why strict attention is needed
          ▪ Solar Energy                        energy security to secure Nige-  for a socio-economically beneficial
          ▪ Wind Energy                         ria’s future economic growth.   future. “An improved economy will
          ▪ Coal                             4.  Federal and State Government.   bring more wealth to the people
          ▪ Natural Gas                         The fiduciary and financial duty   and subsequently improves the
          ▪ Waste. Yes, as Dr. Igbokoyi men-    of installing a power sector and   socio-economic life of its citizens.”
          tioned, London is turning waste into   ensuring energy security is far   That statement made by the author
          energy. Talk about sustainability.
                                                too great a task for the federal   is the reason for energy security,
                                                government of over statistical   because as shown, the links in the
          Just like the human body, a system    200 million people to handle    energy chain that leads to the eco-
          is only as good as the health of its   alone. Hence, state government   nomic security is broken in Nigeria.
          intrinsic operational protocols. The   will have to play a major role.  Developing the domestic market is
          author of this paper pointed out                                      necessary because high resources ex-
          the necessity of four groups of    It is not enough to stop doing what   port and high consumer goods im-
          stakeholder-partnership collabora-  is not working. Nor is it enough to   port is costing the country, and the
          tively operating for a sustainable and   repair the system. In consideration   primary reason for this is the lack of
          profitable power system resulting in   of population growth, econom-  energy brought about by the lack of
          economic growth.
                                             ic requirement, and fluctuations,   energy security measures, and lack
                                             different sources of energy must be   of economic diversification.
          1.  Government and the Citizens.   used and guarded for the future eco-  With a competitive future ahead,
              Dr. Igbokoyi accurately pointed   nomic growth of Nigeria. It must be   it is necessary that steps are taken
              out the necessity of the gov-  taken care off, and external interfer-  to rectify the cracks and breaks in
              ernment to educate the citizens,   ence for selfish purposes must not   the energy links that lead to future
              following the initiated venture,   be allowed. Most importantly, the   economic growth.
              of the benefits of working to-  people must ensure this.
              gether to make this new power
              system work for socio-econom-  Step Three: vigilantly and pru-
              ic benefits.                   dently use all available resources.
          2.  Government and Investors.

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