Page 88 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 13
P. 88

Innovate Afrika

          Kenya being famous for `the Big 5`                                    a nuclear power program. In 2015-
          , Kenya is set to change the coun-  The Tana River Nuclear Plant will   16 Zambia lost power capacity and
          try from a tourism and agriculture   be financed and constructed by   the economy dropped by 40%.This
          related economy to an industrialized   China, Russia, South Korea and   was a result of prolonged regional
          economy capable of elliminating    Slovakia.                          drought which made hydropower
          poverty.                                                              ineffective.
                                             EDGAR LUNGU`S ZAMBIA
          “You, the Kenyan people, spoke clearly. We   TO POWER THE FUTURE      As key to initiating the nuclear
          want dignity; we want to put enough food                              program, government started the
          on our tables, and we want a lower cost   Zambia under the presidency of   Centre for Nuclear Science and
          of  living. I listened.I came up with four   Edgar Lungu is rapidly constructing   Technology which is a vehicle for
          responses to your concerns. I call them the   infrastructure and transforming the   training personnel who will operate
          Big Four: food security, affordable housing,   physical economy.      the plant and will advance Zambia
          manufacturing, and affordable healthcare                              in science and technology.
          for all.I am dedicating the energy, time and   Head of Zambia`s Atomic Agency
          resources of  my Administration to the Big   (ZAMATOMA), Dr Roland Msiska,   The design, feasibility study and
          Four. The Big Four will create jobs, which   says:                    approvals for the project have been
          will enable our people to meet their basic                            concluded but as of March 2020,
          needs.” – President Kenyatta       “Nuclear is the technology of      finances are still being arranged
                                             Zambia’s future”…”One nice thing   between Zambia and Russia.
          The 5 Year Plan aims to fast track   about nuclear programme, because
          the ellimination of poverty, ac-   of the length in which you have to   There are 2 phases of construction,
          cording to Agenda 2030.The 4 Key   plan, about 200 years, you’ll have to   the first being the construction of
          pillars are manufacturing, affordable   think inter-generationally because   a Center for Nuclear Science and
          housing, universal healthcare and   that’s four generations. That’s 20   Technology and the second phase
          food security. Manufacturing is to   presidents, if you are talking about   will be construction of a nuclear
          go up to 15% of GDP and create     each president [serving for] 10 years.   power plant of 2,400 megawatts
          1 million new jobs, half a million   You have to plan inter-generational-  capacity.
          affordable homes, 100% healthcare   ly and implement inter-generation-
          and 100% food security which will   ally.”                            UGANDA
          increase farmers` daily income by
          34% and will reduce the cost of    In April 2019, Dr Msiska led a del-  In September 2019, Russia signed
          food by 47%, as a percentage of    egation of officials and journalists   an agreement with Uganda for the
          income.                            to the annual ATOMEXPO which       development of nuclear power and
                                             is held in Sochi, Russia, and run by   related technology ( medical, agri-
          The Plan promises to start 1000 new   ROSATOM. The journalists were   cultural and industrial applications).
          agro-processing small and medium   tasked with learning about nuclear
          size enterprises and thereby create   technology, including its multiple   Uganda has large uranium deposits
          over half a million new jobs. Agri-  uses, medical and agricultural, apart   but mining feasability studies have
          culture is set to contribute 48% to   from energy production. The jour-  not been undertaken as yet. Ugan-
          GDP. Malnutrition in children under   nalist have since tackled the many   da’s second National Development
          5 is to reach the target of being   misconceptions held by the public   Plan and Vision 2040 includes plans
          reduced by 27%. The Plan further   on nuclear technology.             to use uranium for nuclear power
          promises to subsidize by 100% all   Zambia wanted nuclear energy back   stations by 2050.
          essential healthcare and reduce out   in 1969 but it wasn`t until 1980 that
          of pocket medical expenses by 54%   the IAEA allowed the first reseach
          by percentage of household expen-  laboratory.In 2006, the IAEA facil-  NIGERIA
          diture.                            itated with the creation of the Can-
                                             cer Diseases Hospital and Nuclear   In 2017 Nigeria and Russia signed
          Kenya’s energy mix currently con-  Medicine Centre.                   agreements on the construction and
          sists of geothermal (45 %), hydro-                                    operation of a nuclear power plant
          power (28 %), wind (13 %) and      Under the presidency of Edgar      and a nuclear research centre. The
          diesel-run generators (11 %)       Lungu steps were taken to fast track   research centre includes a research

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