Page 89 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 13
P. 89

Innovate Afrika

         El Dabaa nuclear power plant will be built by Russian state -owned
               company ROSATOM. Image credit: ROSATOM

          reactor. The agreement was signed   electricity.
          by Anton Moskin, Vice President of   World Energy Council member,
          Rosatom and Simon Pesco Mallam,    Maher Aziz, said that :
          chairman of the Nigeria Atomic     “With the completion of the Dabaa
          Energy Commission (NAEC).          nuclear power plant, Cairo can
                                             stand on the edge of technological
          Nigeria has been operating its first   progress enjoyed by the developed
          research reactor , a Chinese Minia-  world”.
          ture Neutron Source Reactor similar
          to units operating in China, Ghana,   Nuclear powered Egypt is the real-
          Iran and Syria, at Ahmadu Bello    ization of a dream of its founding
          University, since 2004.            father, Abdel Gamal Nasser who
                                             initiated efforts back in 1954.
          Geregu in Kogi State and Itu in    Egypt`s transformation under the
          Akwa Ibom State are being consid-  presidency of Abdel Fattah el-Sisi,
          ered as the sites for the first nuclear   beginning with the construction
          power facilities. These will produce   of the New Suez Canal in 2014, is
          4000MW of reliable base load. It   covered in this highly comprehen-
          is hoped that the facilities will be   sive case study of Egypt titled `The
          completed by 2025.                 African Infrastructure Renaissance
                                             Along the Belt & Road—A Case
          EGYPT                              Study` by Hussein Askary:

          El Dabaa nuclear power plant will   Nuclear power in Africa means so
          be Egypt’s first nuclear power facil-  much more than creating energy. It
          ity. Construction will start in 2021   means more than powering every
          and it will be operational by 2026. It   household 24 hours a day, powering
          is situated 300km from Cairo on the   heavy manufacturing industry, the
          Mediterranean where desalination   creation of thousands of highly
          plants will provide water for cooling.   skilled jobs, a financial asset as ener-
          Russia is financing the project with   gy can be exported and sold; nuclear
          the Egyptian government. Rosatom   for Africa means putting African
          will design and construct the facility.   economies on an equal footing with
          The agreement between Russia and   the developed world and  qualitative
          Egypt was signed in 2015.          changes which will allow the eradi-
          Rosatom is implementing cutting    cation of poverty.
          technology third generation VVER-
          1200 reactors. El Dabaa nuclear
          power plant will have four of these
          reactors which will have capacity
          of 4,800MW (4.8GW). It will meet
          50% of Egypt`s electricity needs.
          100% of Egyptian households have

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