Page 87 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 13
P. 87

Innovate Afrika

          and infrastructure (Sustainable Devel-
          opment Goal 9). You cannot achieve one
          without the other.

          At the historic FOCAC meeting in
          2018, China committed to assisting
          African countries in industrializ-   Koeberg Nuclear Power Plant, the rock of South Africa`s industrialization.Koeberg
          ing their economies with the Belt      was designed by the French, built by South Africans in the 1980s. It has its own
          and Road Initiative. At the same            water de-salination plants and is designed to be earthquake proof.
          time Russia showed its willingness
          to power African industrialization
          through the expansion of nuclear   The urgent need for nuclear tech-  (GAEC) called on the International
          energy.                            nology to be adopted or, as in the   Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
          According to the IAEA ( Interna-   case of South Africa, expanded     to conduct Phase 1 of a feasability
          tional Atomic Energy Agency) 12    upon, is discussed in THIS article by   study. This phase has been passed
          countries, nearly one third of the   David Cherry and Phillip Tsokoli-  and Ghana is now on Phase 2.
          African states, have approached    bane, titled: `South Africa : Nuclear
          them recently to request feasability   Power or Bust`.                Ghana has operated a 30kW nuclear
          studies, namely, Ghana, Egypt, Mo-                                    research reactor for more than two
          rocco, Kenya, Niger, Nigeria, Sudan,   GHANA                          decades.
          Algeria, Tunisia, Uganda, Zambia   Nii Allotey, former Director, Nucle-  There are 12 research reactors in
          and Rwanda.                        ar Power Institute, Ghana Atomic   Africa, situated in Algeria, Egypt,
          The World Nuclear Association      Energy Commission, said :          Libya, DRC, Morocco, Nigeria and
          report that in addition to those 12                                   South Africa. South Africa, with
          countries Libya, Senegal, Tanzania,   “Energy is the backbone of any   its emminent role in the world`s
          Namibia and Ethiopia have ex-      strong development. And where do   nuclear arena, plays a critical part in
          pressed interest in starting nuclear   we get energy from? We have hydro,   research and technology world-wide.
          power programmes.                  thermal, fossil fuels, and we have   Nuclear power as a necessity for
                                             local gas—but these are dwindling.   Ghana`s industrialization is dis-
          Hydropower has its drawbacks. It is   They are limited; fossil fuels could   cussed in an article by Lawrence
          dependant on rainfall and potentially   run out by 2030. And, the prices are   Freeman titled ` Nuclear Energy in
          effected by earthquakes.Transmis-  volatile.”                         Africa – Lessons from Ghana`.
          sion distance is a problem in that the
          dams are usually situated far from   National electrification, with each   KENYA
          cities.Electric current loses its power   household having access to elec-  Despite having been advised oth-
          over distance. Hydro power cannot   tricity, was a priority for Ghana`s   erwise by the foremost European
          be a reliable producer of a national   first visionary president, Kwame   promoter of renewable energy,
          base load.The biggest drawback of   Nkrumah, who started the Kwaben-  Germany, Kenya is to go ahead
          hydropower is that it is not the most   ya Nuclear Reactor Project in 1961   with construction of its first nuclear
          efficient current form of technolo-  which remained unsupported. Nkru-  energy reactor in Tana River which
          gy.In terms of energy- flux density it   mah also initiated the Volta Dam   will be operational by 2027. It is set
          is inferior to nuclear power.For Af-  project for hydropower. Ghana has   to achieve capacity of 4,000 MW by
          rican nations, nuclear power means   a much higher than average rate   2035.
          energy sovereignty and the cheapest   of electification which was 85% in   The plant will be built near the coast
          route to elliminating poverty with   2019. Sub-Saharan Africa has the   on Kenya`s longest river, Tana Riv-
          fully industrialized economies.    lowest rate with 57% of the popula-  er.It will be financed under a BOT (
                                             tion without access to electricity.  build, operate and transfer) system.

          South Africa is currently the only                                    Kenyan economists are planning for
          nuclear country in Africa but this is   The administration of President   the future needs of electricity supply
          about to change as it is recognized   Akufo-Addo has put nuclear back   and demand. President Uhuru
          that nuclear energy is the cheapest   on the agenda.In 2015 the Gha-  Kenyatta implemented the Big Four
          and most reliable source of power.  na Atomic Energy Commission       Action Plan in 2017. Instead of

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