Page 82 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 13
P. 82
Innovate Afrika
Energy in Afrika
Author: John O. Igbokoyi
Peer Review: Dr. Alpheus O. Igbokoyi
Original Paper: Energy Security, Affordability and Availability: Implications
on Economic and Industrial Growth in Nigeria.
Original Author(s): Dr. Alpheus O. Igbokoyi
The Reason For Thinking growth. read this article on your device.
“No nation can grow beyond its energy
development and management pedigree.” In this article, I review the paper, Nigeria, and most Afrikan energy
A statement made by Dr. Alpheus and I believe you the reader will players, are in the business of ex-
Igbokoyi in the abstract of his pa- come to realize Nigeria’s detrimental porting energy rather than utilizing
per, Energy Security, Affordability position, by linking the energy stats energy for their economic and
and Availability: Implications on that need to be rectified if Nigeria is national growth. This has left the
Economic and Industrial Growth to realize economic growth. socio-economic status of the nation
in Nigeria. Having studied electri- in jeopardy and calls for stricter
cal engineering and mechanical sys- Energy is required for any of the governance, or as Dr. Igbokoyi puts
tems, with a strong practical interest source of economic growth, be it it, Energy Security Policy. Energy
in infrastructure and industrializa- agriculture, energy, mining, banking, Security Policies are now mandatory
tion, that statement is mandatory or any other industry/sector. Matter for the securing of Nigeria’s and
for any nation seeking economic of fact, it cost energy for you to Afrika’s economic future.
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