Page 92 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 13
P. 92

Innovate Afrika

          has been doing business in         imported. We don’t have paper; we   are getting huge rebates, so they
          Afrika for how long?               have wood, which goes out and the   want to export anything and every-
          That’s 12-15 years.                paper comes in.                    thing. They are not even considering
                                                                                the price factor, the ROI… they go
          15 years? That’s a lot of  ex-     Value addition is something which   by the volumes. They don’t go by
          perience and that’s a lot of       is required in each and every corner.   each number of sales, they go by
          experience with many differ-       Everything goes out of Afrika and   how many containers, or ships they
          ent countries, importing and       then is sold to Afrika; that fashion   sell in a year and some 2-3% of that
          exporting. We have a lot of        has to be changed and the change   volume is huge money for them. So,
                                                                                they come with a different agenda.
                                             has to come from motivation with
          friends and people who watch       channels and people who educate,   In Afrika, we also are on the verge
          our channel or read our mag-       who try to see the wealth within the   of emerging as transforming and
          azine who are interested in        wealth. The whole idea is to create   industrializing, it will take time to
          investing in Afrika, but they      a substance out of a thousand pos-  evolve. They already have every-
          have questions. Is it worth        sibilities. We are tremendously rich,   thing in place so they just want to
          making the effort? What does       richly blessed, so opportunities are   penetrate with a product and that’s a
          it take? What do they have to      massive. People should unite, and   huge gap in terms of backward and
          keep in mind? Is it too expen-     forces should gather to make things   forward integration. The smallest
          sive? Is it even feasible to try   happen.                            things are being imported. Why?
          and consider the possibility of    I agree. But there is another      Because we are giving space, the
                                                                                government policies are not think-
          a pan-Afrikan market?                                                 ing how to encourage [local busi-
          First of all, in terms of opportu-  factor in this whole perspec-     ness]. For example, we have plenty
          nities there are 1 million. Second,   tive of  Afrikan trade and that’s   of bamboo in nature to convert into
          should they come? 1 million per    the Chinese element, because       value added products from tooth-
          cent they should come. Third, is it   it’s no secret that China has   brushes, to toothpicks, to buds, to
          safe and secure for their investment?   found ways to bring in their   paper, to mats, to blinds... there are a
          1 million per cent it is safe and   goods at lower cost. To the       thousand things that could be done,
          secure. There’s no worry in terms   point where we find even Chi-     but then there is no support. There
          of losing money or losing oppor-   nese fish is being sold in fish    is no support, there are no policies.
          tunity. The smallest example that I   marketing regions and export-   The same way the Chinese govern-
          could give or take is a toothpick. A   ing regions in Afrika, which   ment encourages Chinese entre-
          toothpick is a very common thing,   doesn’t make any sense. First     preneurs by giving them benefits,
          which anybody and everybody uses,   of  all, how did they even get    perks, subsidies, is the same way if
          which Afrika still imports. A simple                                  in Afrika the manufacturers have
          matchstick, which again the whole   so much influence and how do      been supported by these types of
          of Afrika uses, yet nobody produces   we find a way to counter-bal-   perks, everybody would jump into it.
          it, everybody imports and again it’s   ance that, because I don’t     It is a collaborative participation of
          a huge market. The smallest match-  think that anything should        all the sectors, no single person is to
          stick, for example in the West Af-  be overbalanced one way or        be blamed and no one person is to
          rikan market, would be 300 to 400   another.                          be blamed, everybody has to come
          million dollars, toothpicks we can   You have touched a stressing point.   together to make things possible.
          say 100 to 200 million dollars. These   There is no individual who is good
          are massive opportunities, and right   or bad, it is the trend, the com-  Do you think that there is
          now, unfortunately, you know Afrika   munity and the backing or it’s the   the will for the continent to
          imports about 80-89% of products.   government policies, which make
          This is on average; each country   some businesses flourish or ruin.   come to work together, each
          has a different perspective. You   When it comes to China, China is   nation bringing together its
          could put your mind to anything.   backed by the Chinese government.   strengths?
          That makes the circle complete in   The entrepreneurs or the business   Yes. West Afrika, they have ECOW-
          terms of sustainability, feasibility   houses are backed by government   AS, in South Afrika you have SADC;
          and viability and you could venture   policies. They have been encouraged   like this associations are formed,
          into it. Even paper which is being   towards export sales, for which they   unions are formed but all are in

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