Page 96 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 13
P. 96
Don’t believe them, because based When they come crying to you and up on incidents taking place around
on emerging information, first of saying, “We listened to all available Covid 19, but that there is a narra-
all Anthony Fauci, Peter Daszak, commentary and insight from the tive that these journalists are expect-
Shi Xhengli and the US and Chinese scientific community about the best ed to adhere to, whether they like it
governments (and the organizers of approach to take.” Send them away or not. How liberating to know that
Event201 in 2019 i.e., Mr. Gates and at once! Because the truth is, they the 4th estate is so compromised...
co. – the same Gates who has been deployed every weapon of misinfor- liberating because now you have the
a very active campaigner for lock- mation and disinformation possible choice of whether to agree to con-
downs, masks and vaccines) were to convince the global population tinue to live under the gaslighting
well aware of what was going on that there was no other option or agenda of the conspirators behind
and if they had any remotely sincere narrative that should be believed, Covid 19 and The Great Reset, or
intentions, they could have easily put other than the one being touted by not. If it is not strange to you that
a stop to the spread of the disease the WHO, the US CDC and any there was only one narrative allowed
in 2019 AND provided insights as other ‘approved’ voice i.e., Corman (meaning controlled speech) for
to a cure before it spread to multiple Drosten, Neil Ferguson and his a world of over 7 billion people
countries around the world. Limited team, and any musician, actor, artist around Covid19 then please sit
information indeed! or other public figure who support- down and think deeply about why
ed the popular narrative. Everyone you believe that in a world of such
When they come crying to you and else who brought up an alternative great diversity, dynamism, versatility
saying, “We just wanted to protect suggestion that would have helped and creativity… on this one topic
you and to ensure that you got the reduce the impact of the disease, ABSOLUTELY EVERYONE was
best possible cure that would save save money, help people regain a only allowed to speak about it from
lives as fast as possible.” Don’t listen sense of calm and control over their one perspective.
to them! Because if there really was lives in the midst of this evident-
such a serious crisis, they would have ly man-made crisis was censored, Whether science will ever recover
being doing anything and everything belittled, mocked, fact-checked, from this direct onslaught on its
to arm the people under their care de-platformed and silenced in any subsumed integrity and function
with useful information about how way possible. The manufactured remains to be seen. Those who still
to build their immunity and provid- response to Covid 19 was hardly believe in its efficacy and necessi-
ing them with the tools necessary to unbiased, consultative or compre- ty will, undoubtedly, fight for its
do so, instead of pulling these items hensive, considering that even the survival following this destructive
off the shelf, like they did in some Nuremburg Code, which sought Covid attack on the world’s popula-
countries with Vitamin D and C and to protect the world against future tions. Those who trust it will stand
Zinc supplements, or silencing the harm from medical experimentation, by it, for now, until it’s attacked
voices of those who were successful after what the Nazi regime did in again by those who care not for its
in deploying Hydroxychloroquine their death camps, was ignored and survival. Why else would one go
and Ivermectin to actually save lives, pushed aside. against its very tenets, all the while
or those who had come up with claiming to do so in the name of
natural remedies from plant based When the politicians come to you to science, and publish papers that
sources to be able to reverse the ef- sing the same song, don’t listen to influence the direction of flow for
fects of Covid 19 in their patients… them. They have friends and family the entirety of humanity to their
or early sharing of information on who must have been sharing all the doom and do so without remorse?
the vaccines to enable those who information that I shared above – Why would they lie against their
believe in that intervention to be and more – with them. They just very beliefs and push publicly for
able to develop vaccines rapidly for deigned not to get involved. For mask mandates whereas internally,
their own citizens, without incurring selfish reasons. with their own colleagues, they ex-
such high costs. If there really was plain that their value is actually low?
such an interest in them providing We are now seeing more evidence, Why would they claim that vaccines
the best possible care, they would thanks to the courage of the likes are safe for pregnant and lactating
have listened to all the voices who of Fox26 reporter, Ivory Hecker, moms and then claim it is a coin-
shouted and said “Don’t rush the that indicates that reporters in the cidence when multiple vaccinated
vaccine!! There are other options mainstream media do get tips from women experience miscarriages or
available now.” viewers and readers alike to follow their infants’ lives are lost following
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