Page 99 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 13
P. 99


          in our daily lives is dumb, and there   posts. Another thing is this, what if
          are those who believe that the spirit   the friends you have on your social
          realm is real, but are confused about   media platforms are just numbers
          how it works on earth. Well, it really   and bots animated by some weird
          does not matter if you believe and   algorithms, does that not make you
          understand or not that all that you   just a number and bot in the cloud
          see on earth is a direct output of   database of the owners of the social
          that which is spirit or unseen. The   media ecosystem? The answer is   humans in this age have actually lost
          fact is, that if you don’t believe in   right within you to find out.  our humanity and how to respond
          the law of gravity it does not change   I am not saying “social media is   to issues affecting others? I can’t
          its effect on you. Simple!         evil or bad”, I am only saying we   say categorically or just maybe my
                                             need to pay attention to the “good”   expectations were too great.
          We are dealing daily with the spirit   of social media and how we are
          of the power of the air, which is the   quickly becoming a people with   What about censorship?
          dimension of the second heaven     no social empathy because all our   I had always thought that censorship
          and which primarily is the dwelling   feelings, and what makes us human,   was a filtration system that takes out
          of forces of darkness. Meaning that   are now locked up in our phones   what is not appropriate for the gen-
          when you speak of putting your data   and emojis.                     eral public, especially when it relates
          in the CLOUD, as almost all digital                                   to young people. But the censorship
          things are being done right now, the   My wife and I had an experience a   we have now on these social media
          question is, what is this cloud, who   very short while ago. We partnered   platforms that have become the
          controls it and why is there such an   with a group of young women in   long arms of global security agen-
          effect of social media on humanity,   our neighborhood to raise funds   cies, is nothing but witchcraft and a
          especially our young people whose   for women in rural areas of North-  manipulation of data to suit global-
          energy vibrations are very strong?   ern Kenya who are dealing with   ist agendas for world control. Im-
          Could it be that when we speak of   health issues. So one of the fund   aging you share a post about Afrika
          social media and how we store data   raising projects was tagged 100bob   that has the ability to help Afrikans
          in cloud, we are actually talking   initiative. Bob here is a slang for   wherever they may be in the world,
          about how we humans really relate   Kenyan Shillings, so basically the   and it’s taken down for no useful
          with dark powers above the realm   initiative is about getting a dona-  reason. You hear Afrikans in the
          of the earth, while calling it cosmic   tion of 100Kenyan Shillings from   diaspora complain of not know-
          energy or consciousness? Maybe or   anyone interested in the cause.   ing what is happening in Afrika
          maybe not. But you think about it   The fundraising was done on the   and thus they are not able to relate
          and be sure.                       Instagram live page of a popular   properly with things on the ground.
                                             Kenyan comedian who has about      You even think you are not doing
          Are they real? Or are your friends   1.5Million followers. I watched the   enough to reach them as a content
          just numbers?                      live stream for a short while and one   creator, and then you realize that the
          I have always thought about this   guy particularly caught my attention   problem was not you but the system
          particular question, but because I   when he said he was going to give   of censorship that filters out your
          do not really have anything else to   2,000 KShillings for the fundraiser   content. So your people cannot hear
          measure it with, I tend to measure   and also the many others who were   you and you cannot hear them. Such
          by the experiences I have personally   asking for where to send their dona-  a weird and manipulative ecosystem
          or those which others share.       tions to.                          we call SOCIAL MEDIA.
                                             The next day we asked one of the
          There is an old saying which goes,   young women we were partnering   So is social media a bad thing? Well,
          “show me your friends and I will   with how much was raised in the In-  that depends on what you call bad
          show you who you are.” It’s an old   stagram fundraise and she said 3,000   or good. For if that which was sup-
          saying but one which still has some   Kshillings. 3,000Kshillings from a   posed to bring us together as social
          great meaning expecially in this   platform of 1.5million followers?   beings turned us into ANTI-social
          age where poeple attach personal   That was shocking for me and got   beings, mere numbers in a system,
          significance to their lives based on   me thinking. Could it be that the so   bots and false images, then we defi-
          how many friends they have on      called 1.5million followers of that   nitely do not have a social media but
          social media and how many com-     platform were just nothing but num-  a SOCIAL DUNGEON.
          ments and likes they get from their   bers and bots or could it be that we

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