Page 104 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 13
P. 104
growth and repair of body tissues. It magnesium, an essential nutrient in West African cuisine. It is eaten
is rich in B vitamins, as well as min- involved in DNA synthesis and with meats and vegetables that are
erals like calcium, iron, copper, zinc, muscle contraction and many other typically stewed or marinated in rich
and magnesium. As a whole grain, body reactions. A high protein and herbs and spices. Millet is a starchy,
it aids in weight management and high fibre meal, amaranth has many protein-rich grain rich in amino ac-
good gut health as well as reducing nutritional properties that help in a ids. It provides plenty of phospho-
the risk of type 2 diabetes, heart multitude of body functions. It con- rus and magnesium and packs more
disease, and colorectal, pancreatic, tains antioxidants that help protect calcium than any other cereal which
and stomach cancer. Fonio is easy against harmful free radicals in the is necessary to ensure bone health,
to prepare and hosts a plethora of body and prevent the formation of blood vessels and muscular contrac-
health benefits in addition to being a chronic disease. It may also have an- tions, and proper nerve function.
gluten-free grain. ti-inflammatory effects and may aid Rich in antioxidants such as ferulic
in lowering bad cholesterol ‘LDL’ acid and catechins, consuming millet
while increasing good cholesterol aids in rapid wound healing, skin
‘HDL’. The high protein and fibre protection, and contains anti-inflam-
help in maintaining weight or as part matory properties as well as binds to
of a weight loss program by pro- heavy metals in your bloodstream to
moting feelings of fullness. It is an prevent metal poisoning. The com-
excellent addition to your diet. pound quercetin boosts liver and
kidney function which is essential
for the detoxification of the body.
It may lower cholesterol and lower
blood sugar levels, an ideal grain for
people with diabetes. You can lower
the millet’s antinutrient content
Ama- significantly by soaking it overnight
ranth at room temperature, then draining
This nutrition- and rinsing it before cooking or by
sprouting it.
al grain can be traced
back as a staple of the ancient Inca
and Aztec diets. It looks like a tiny
version of quinoa and loaded with
nutrition. Cooking amaranth as a Millet (Chere)
part of your daily diet is easy, it re- Another gluten-free ancient grain,
leases lots of starch when it cooks, millet grew wild in Africa for centu-
the result a creamy texture. ries before being cultivated. It grows
well in cold, arid regions and can be
It can be made into porridge for a harvested within 70 days of planting
hearty breakfast, popped dried like and has become a popular staple all
popcorn, and eaten as a snack or across the world. Technically a seed,
put on salads or in soups. It is great this crop is categorized as a whole
as a thickener or milled into flour grain with yellow pellets that have
for bread, muffins, and other types mild corn and nutty flavour when
of pastries. It can also be sprouted, cooked. As a versatile ingredient, it Cassava (Yuca)
which makes grains easier to digest can be used in many dishes such as
and breaks down antinutrients, a rice replacement, fermented to act This root vegetable from the
which can impair mineral absorp- as a natural probiotic or processed American tropics is highly con-
tion. Amaranth is normally cate- to make snacks, pasta, and non-dairy sumed in the developing world.
gorized as a grain, but it’s really a probiotic beverages. It is also added It is the underground part of the
seed with a sweet and nutty flavour. to maize flour to make a nutrition- cassava shrub with a similar shape
It is high in manganese which is ally dense meal as porridge and to the sweet potato. In its raw form,
important for brain function and ugali. Chere – a millet couscous – is cassava is white and poisonous for
popular in Senegal and is a staple consumption. Once cooked fully,
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