Page 109 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 13
P. 109
“sequencing” and division of labor; cially the TEDX ones) of deleting
when combined efficiently it can through vaccines 15 percent of
produce structured orchestrated the world population, there is also
results. Bio-Ethical discussions about TWO
age groups that should be consid-
Thus, to help make this visually ered good to “delete” and that is
easier for all to understand let me 0-2year old and 75 and above year
draw your attention to a motor car’s olds as many of these high level
engine as (hopefully) you will be academic and policy debates are
able to relate to the simple fact that sponsored by the same Eugenicist
there are MAJOR and MINOR minded people.
components that make up the struc-
ture of a car engine and for your Go listen to Gates public talks espe-
car to drive it needs all these parts cially the TEDX talks he is not “hid-
to drive properly. If you have some ing” it (just search on Google, they
minor components missing your are still there) and you have ears to
could still drive your car BUT if the hear it for yourself, so use them, as
major components are missing your he tells you in plain English what he
car will stop driving. is doing to YOU and your kind.
This whole Eugenics SCAM needs Yes! I am aware that he is not alone
ALL COMPONENTS in place to as the deep state is behind him, but
work properly otherwise the experi- atleast you cannot say he did not
ment will not be truly valid. TELL YOU even if the rest of the
cohort did not come out publicly to
THE KILL SWITCH tell you. If you for a second think
As you may be aware a drone was Eugenicists Like YOU (for some
used to assassinate the Iranian bizarre reason) then YOU must be
commander but do a bit of read- MAD!!
ing on Bio-weapons and then your
mind can stretch to understand what Sadly, it does not “end” here as now
micro-organisms are capable of they are after your CHILDREN
and what is possible in the world of and grand-children because if you
what they call Bio-warfare. No! it is can chip them “EARLY” you have
not about people dropping bombs them for LIFE to place and be
on each other, that is not how this groomed ready into a Chinese style
thing with a weird and misleading surveillance and subjugation control
name (Bio-warfare) works, but Eugenics governance system of the
please do your own due diligence ruling class over the ruled class.
and READ UP! Start thinking about possible solu-
tions for your particular situation
These people (and their Minions (especially for the children, if you
who do the dirty work for them) are have them, as they need extra pro-
not joking, they want to coerce you tection) as they will cajole and subtly
into being CHIPPED and Patented, coerce you to voluntarily beg to take
do not be fooled this is NOT JUST the jab.
a chip tattoo as those nano particles
are a frequency sensitive sensor that Lets hope the creator is on the peo-
could easily be remotely triggered ples side!
as they can “send” information
and “RECEIVE” information and Peace
be used as an agent in a KILL-
SWITCH at any future date: Idris
Besides Gates public talks (espe-